All conference breakout session videos are available in a YouTube playlist organized by session.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Track A: Building Soil Health with Cover Crops and Other Strategies
The breakout sessions offered on Tuesday, April 3, covered technical material about production practices, trends, challenges and opportunities. These sessions were recorded. If you would like to watch the presentations, please reference the videos below, where you can also download a PDF version of each speaker’s presentation.
Latest Insights on Soil Biology as Influenced by Soil Management, Jennifer Moore-Kucera (PDF) | Video
SOM: A Fulcrum with Many Forms and Functions, Joel Gruver (PDF) | Video
Midwest Opportunities to Regenerate Soil Health, Barry Fisher (PDF) | Video
Digging Deeper: Strategies for Improving Soil Health in Far Northern Regions, Heather Darby (PDF) | Video
Producer’s Perspective on Cover Cropping in Indiana, Dan DeSutter (PDF) | Video
Improving Soil Health by Interseeding Cover Crops in the Northern Plains, Marisol Berti (PDF) | Video
Lessons Learned: Southern Plains Cover Crops and Soil Health, Jodie Reisner (PDF) | Video
Cover Crops and Soil Health in the Southeastern U.S., Carlene Chase (PDF) | Video
Cover Crops in Montana, Perry Miller (PDF) | Video
Nothing We Do is For Today, Kent Wasson (PDF) | Video
Track B: Eating Well Together: Developing Partnerships for a Local Food Economy
When Rules and Regulations Meet the Market, Rozie Schleinig (PDF) | Video
Scaling Up Local Foods, Michelle Miller (PDF) | Video
What’s Social About Social Sustainability of Local Food Systems?, Keiko Tanaka (PDF) | Video
Economic Impacts of Local Food System Initiatives, Becca Jablonski (PDF) | Video
Environmental Benefits of Local Food Systems, Devona Bell (PDF) | Video
Developing Partnerships to Advance Local Food, Dan Cornelius (PDF) | Video
Real Food From Real Farms, Sandi Kronick (PDF) | Video
Culinary Breeding Network: Building Community Among Breeders, Farmers, Chefs and Eaters, Lane Selman (PDF) | Video
Track C: Ecology and Economics of Grazing for Beef and Dairy
The Science Behind Changing Expectations So We Get 43% More Forage, Kathy Voth (PDF) | Video
How to Manage Your Animals In Sync With Nature, Greg Judy (PDF) | Video
Soil, Carbon, Water, Climate: Lessons from the Marin Carbon Project, Jeffrey Creque (PDF) | Video
Managing Soil Carbon: A Producer’s Perspective, Francis Thicke (PDF) | Video
Optimal Hay Feeding Days on Cow-Calf Farms, Greg Halich (PDF) | Video
Creating a Sustainable Meat Market with a Meat CSA, Jody Osmund | Video
Track D: Profitable Pig and Poultry Production
Diversified Pastured Livestock Production on White Oak Pastures in Georgia, Will Harris (PDF) | Video
Small Scale Poultry on Pasture, Jody Padgham (PDF) | Video
Rumbleway Farm: Profitably Poultry, Robin Way (PDF) | Video
Pasture Pork Production: A Journey to Sustainability, Silvana Pietrosemoli (PDF) | Video
Turning Your Passion into a Paycheck, John Arbuckle (PDF) | Video
Rotating Pigs on to Pasture, into the Woods and on to Next Year’s Garden Plot, Chuck Talbott (PDF) | Video
Setting Up Your Own Processing, Eric Klein (PDF) | Video
Cedar Valley Sustainable Farm Meat CSA, Beth Osmund (PDF) | Video
Track E: Successful Small Ruminant Production
Everything You Need to Know About Worms in 25 Minutes, Dahlia O’Brien (PDF) | Video
Removing Invasive Plants Utilizing Livestock, Nancy Lunzer (PDF) | Video
Vegetation Control with 4-Legged Weedeaters, Charlotte Clifford Rathert (PDF) | Video
How to Raise Small Ruminants Profitably and Sustainably, Steve Hart (PDF) | Video
Multi-Species Grazing at Big Spring Farm, Greg Brann (PDF) | Video
Minnesota Wool, Jean Mueller (PDF) | Video
Meat Goats are Great, Yvonne Zweede-Tucker and Mary Jane Phifer (PDF) | Video
Marketing Dairy Products, Linda Coffey and Veronica Baetje (PDF) | Video
Track F: Surviving and Thriving with Vegetable and Fruit Production
Strategies for Growing without Irrigation in Western Oregon, Amy Garrett (PDF) | Video
Optimizing Water Use, Trevor Hardy (PDF) | Video
Successful Weed Management: Theory and Practice, Eric Gallandt (PDF) | Video
On Farm Weed Management, Jean-Paul Courtens (PDF) | Video
Unpacking the Farm Labor Puzzle, Mary Peabody (PDF) | Video
Farm Labor Issues, Sarah Lloyd (PDF) | Video
Track G: The First Years on the Farm or Ranch: Tools, Perspectives and Lessons for Success
Major Challenges New Farmers Face and How to Manage Them, Paul Dietmann (PDF) | Video
Cow Marketing: Where Your Farm Flourishes—From Products to Profits, Charlotte Smith (PDF) | Video
Financial Tools for Beginning Farmers, Kevin Klair (PDF) | Video
New Farmers Share Their Perspectives, Erika Muhammad, David Paulk, Josh Payne, Adam Reed | Video
Lessons Every Beginning Farmer and Rancher Needs to Know, Guy Ames, Andre’ Barbour, Jeanne Carver, Joe Tomandl | Video
Track H: Transforming Urban Landscapes and Communities with Urban Agriculture
Rooted in Ferguson: Growing Food, Farmers and Community, Molly Rockamann (PDF) | Video
How to Build a Community Around Food: The Nile Valley Aquaponic 100,000 Pound Food Project, Dre Taylor (PDF) | Video
Urban Harvest STL, Mary Ostafi (PDF) | Video
Brooklyn Grange: Conservation on Urban Farms, Ben Flanner (PDF) | Video
Tree Crops Offer a Resilient Solution for Urban Agriculture, Sarah Taylor-Lovell (PDF) | Video
The Future of Urban Agriculture: Promises and Pitfalls, Brennan Washington (PDF) | Video
The Evolution of an Urban Farm Business: Navigating the Social Promises and Economic Realities, Amy Matthews (PDF) | Video
In the Beginning There Were Empty Lots, Karen Washington (PDF) | Video
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
The breakout sessions offered on Wednesday, April 4, 2018, focused on specific issues in sustainable agriculture and were designed to focus on discussion. These sessions were not recorded, but we do have PDF versions of the presentations for your reference.
Track I: Success Stories in Farming and Ranching
From 0 to 700,000 in 7: Working with Family to Create a Successful Farm and Cover Crop Seed Business, Audrey and Keith Berns (PDF)
Diversification without Divorce-ification of the Family Dairy Farm, Matt and Theresa Freund (PDF)
Potomac Vegetable Farms: Successful Farming with Family, Hana and Hiu Newcomb (PDF)
Intergenerational Farming in the Southwest, Don Bustos
Track J: Launching the Next Generation of Farmers and Ranchers
Land Access in a Time of Land Development, Holly Rippon-Butler (PDF)
Land Access for Farmers of Color, Savi Horne
Steps to Success in New Farmer Training, Sheri Doyel (PDF)
Track K: Farming and Ranching in a Changing Climate
Resilient Agriculture: Cultivating Food Systems for a Changing Climate, Laura Lengnick (PDF)
Envisioning an Agricultural Renaissance: Climate Smart Urban Food Systems, AG Kawamura (PDF)
How We Can Build More Resilient Farms and Food Systems in the Face of a Changing Climate, Ron Rosmann (PDF)
Track L: Water Challenges for the Coming Decades
Assessing Water Market: Performance, Growth and New Market Trends, Clay Landry (PDF)
Modern Irrigation: New Methods and New Sources, Jake Madison (PDF)
Opportunities to Improve Water Quality in the Mississippi River Basin, Rebecca Power (PDF)
Stroud Water Research Center: Water Quality Challenges and Opportunities, Lamonte Garber (PDF)
Track M: Addressing the Intersection of Economics and the Environment in Future Food Systems
Plugging the Leaks for a Sustainable Future, Elizabeth Reaves (PDF)
Stewardship (Economics, Productivity and the Environment): A Farmer’s Perspective, Seth Watkins (PDF)
Tools to Address the Intersection of Economics and the Environment, Maria Bowman (PDF)
Track N: How to Build a Food System
Cultivating a Next Generation of Beginning Farmers, Jennifer Hashley (PDF)
Farm to Institution is SW Colorado: Healthy Foodsheds, Healthy Producers, Healthy People, Jim Dyer (PDF)
Working Through Partnership to Develop Sustainable and Equitable Local Food Systems, Nancy Creamer (PDF)
Food Justice and Equity, Malik Yakini
Track O: Pollinators, Wildlife and Biodiversity on Farms and Ranches
Sowing Biodiversity: Pollinators, Beneficial Insects, and the Future of Nature on Farms, Eric Lee Mader (PDF)
Bees in the Supply Chain: General Mills Commitment to Pollinator Protection, Beth Robertson Martin (PDF)
Addressing Soil Health and Nutrient Management Can Benefit Birds, Cassandra Wilcoxen (PDF)
Vilicus Farm: Stewards of the Land, Doug Crabtree (PDF)
Track P: Service Learning and Engaged Scholarship Opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture
Natural Science Education in Sustainable Agriculture Curriculum: Context, Experience and Interdisciplinarity, Krista Jacobsen (PDF)
Experiential Learning Opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture: A 1994 Land Grant Perspective, Amber Marlow (PDF)
Fostering Dialog about Social Justice, Food Systems and Sustainable Agriculture: An Engaged Pedagogy Perspective, Kim Niewolny (PDF)