Honey bees, even with their problems, will always be the primary pollinator. The presence of a large variety of bees and flowers in our environment is hugely important to their mutual survival and ultimately, to our own. Having many bees in one area, whether social or solitary bees, ensures that many bees are foraging in a particular area. The more bees and more species of bees in our environment the better, particularly when there are many flowers within foraging range of the bees that require cross-pollination. Redirecting the downward trend in bee populations will involve awareness and change in our landscaping practices on many levels.

Beekeeping is considered a fringe hobby or occupation. Most people think beekeepers are eccentric. But beekeepers tend to have their feet firmly rooted in the earth and pay close attention to the environment; they function better out of doors than in the confines of a building. If more people would keep bees, any kind of bees, more people would become aware of surrounding flowers, insecticides, and ecology in general. Our environment needs more bees, flowers, and pollination. We need more win-win situations in the world. This book is a starting point.