SARE’s What is Sustainable Agriculture? bulletin and companion animated series are now available in Spanish! ¿Qué es la Agricultura Sostenible? features short, translated primers of proven sustainable practices that can be used to complement more detailed training materials.
- Soil Health (Salud del Suelo)
- Health and Wellbeing of People (Salud y Bienestar de las Personas)
- Ecological Pest Management (Manejo Ecológico de Plagas)
- Biological Diversity (Diversidad Biológica)
The companion animation series highlights some common practices farmers and ranchers use to improve profitability, quality of life and environmental stewardship, including:
- A Whole-Farm Approach to Sustainability (Un Enfoque Integral de la Sostenibilidad en la Finca)
- Cover Crops (Cultivos de Cobertura)
- Conservation Tillage (Labranza para Conservación y Salud del Suelo)
- Sustainable Grazing (Gestión Sustentable de los Pastos y del Pastoreo)
¿Qué es la Agricultura Sostenible? is now available for viewing and sharing at and on YouTube.
Download or order your free print copy of ¿Qué es la Agricultura Sostenible? at or by calling (301) 779–1007. ¿Qué es la Agricultura Sostenible? is available in quantity for free to educators for use in educational workshops, classes or tours.