Showing 1-6 of 6 results

A Farmer's Guide to Crop Quality for Wholesale Outlets
A simple guide to crop quality focused on tomatoes, cucurbits and greens, with photos of good and poor crop quality as well as best practices for post-harvest handling.
Cover Crops Seed Selection and Planting
Whether you are new to cover crops or an advanced user, hear from two experts on how they chose and seed their cover crops.

Sustainable Pest Management in Greenhouses and High Tunnels
From 2007 to 2009, Cornell researchers in New York used a SARE grant to study the efficacy of biological insect control in minimally heated greenhouses and high tunnels or hoop houses. This fact sheet reports the results and provides detailed advice on how growers can use natural enemies to manage insect pests in minimally heated greenhouses and unheated high tunnels.

Video Series: Efficient and Safe Food Handling Processes
Low-cost techniques that help farms reduce labor needs and expenses during harvest, wash and pack.
Good Agricultural Practices
Fact sheets from North Carolina State University on GAP certification and insurance coverage options for vegetable producers.

Harvesting Crops for Market
This plain language guide has information on when to harvest vegetables, how to prepare produce for harvest, and safe handling of produce after harvest.