
Showing 31-40 of 43 results

Crop Rotation publication cover

Crop Rotation on Organic Farms

Crop rotation strategies that can be applied under various field conditions for conventional or organic crops to improve soil quality and health, and manage pests, diseases, and weeds

guide to selling at a farmers market

Selling at a Farmers Market

This plain language guide guide explains how to begin selling at a farmers' market, including choosing a market, applying for space, designing displays, setting prices, making sales and keeping records.

guide on harvesting crop for market

Harvesting Crops for Market

This plain language guide has information on when to harvest vegetables, how to prepare produce for harvest, and safe handling of produce after harvest.

high tunnels mannual

High Tunnels

This manual on using high tunnels or hoop houses for season extension includes case studies, a supplier list and chapters on marketing, site selection, construction and types, and soil, pest and environmental management.