resources adapt-n-training-manual Adapt-N Training Manual Adapt-N is an online tool that helps precisely manage nitrogen (N) inputs for grain, silage, and sweet corn production. It can provide automatic daily updates of each field’s N status and recommendations, based on real-time weather... resources niche-poultry-enterprises-in-new-england Niche Poultry Enterprises in New England Broiler enterprises have started making a comeback in the region in recent years, but they tend to look very different from the standard broiler operations you’d find in Maryland or Georgia. Scale is the... resources heritage-turkey-manual Heritage Turkey Manual The Heritage Turkey Manual was developed by The Livestock Conservancy on all facets of pasture-based turkey production and turkey breeding. How to Raise Turkeys on Pasture pulls together historic information... resources no-till-cropping-systems-in-oklahoma No-Till Cropping Systems in Oklahoma A three-year study in Oklahoma and Texas revealed that no-till wheat is a viable option for Southern Great Plains’ farmers and ranchers.The purpose of the project was to move wheat... resources selecting-cattle-to-improve-grazing-distribution WSARE Quick Guide: Selecting Cattle to Improve Grazing Distribution Western SARE funded research focused on identifying genetic markers for cattle with desirable grazing patterns – cows that would travel farther from water, climb higher and graze in more rugged... resources on-farm-internship-training-binder On-Farm Internship Training Binder The Placer Ag Futures Project was conceived as a response to critical issues affecting local agricultural sustainability. This project was intended to help grow a new crop of agricultural professionals... resources sustainable-ranch-management-assessment-guidebook Sustainable Ranch Management Assessment Guidebook The purpose of the guidebook is to assist the rancher and/or land manager use business planning and ecological monitoring to ensure the ranch or land is managed in a sustainable...