Newsroom Page: 4

Showing 31-40 of 382 results

David Redhage SSARE PDP Grants Manager in Zoom news southern-sare-webinar-held-on-the-professional-development-program-grant-program

Southern SARE Webinar held on the Professional Development Program Grant Program

GRIFFIN, Georgia – The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SSARE) program held a free webinar on August 16 for agricultural professionals such as Cooperative Extension; NRCS; Farm Service Agency, or other USDA agency staff; agriculture consultants; non-governmental organizations; mentor farmers; and other agriculture professionals interested in learning more about and applying for the Professional Development […]

A group of people watching a presentation. A plant is displayed by a news 2025-farmer-grant-call-for-proposals

2025 Farmer Grant Call For Proposals Now Open

Farmers in the Northeast can apply for up to $30,000 in funding for sustainable agriculture projects starting in 2025. These projects can range from experiments to on-farm events and demonstrations or other educational activities. The Call for 2025 Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Farmer Grants is now available. Approximately $850,000 has been allocated […]

Que es sostenible news sares-what-is-sustainable-agriculture-now-available-in-spanish

SARE's What is Sustainable Agriculture? Now Available in Spanish

SARE’s What is Sustainable Agriculture? bulletin and companion animated series are now available in Spanish! ¿Qué es la Agricultura Sostenible? features short, translated primers of proven sustainable practices that can be used to complement more detailed training materials. The companion animation series highlights some common practices farmers and ranchers use to improve profitability, quality of […]

HABESKA HARVEST FESTIVAL FLYER news habesha-progresses-intends-to-give-back-by-supporting-others

HABESHA Progresses: Intends to Give Back by Supporting Others

Atlanta, GEORGIA -  by DaraMonifah Cooper Social sustainability is one of the three pillars that Southern SARE encourages more research, education and outreach on. More commonly called quality of life, many aren’t always able to identify and include the specifically related area, but some are all about it as an integral part of their holistic […]

high tunnel news professional-development-program-grants-call-for-pre-proposals-now-being-accepted

Professional Development Program Grants Call for Pre-proposals Now Being Accepted

GRIFFIN, Georgia – The Call for Pre-proposals for the Southern SARE Professional Development Program (PDP) Grant is now open. The Professional Development Program is a “train the trainer” program, providing funding to agricultural professionals to train Cooperative Extension agents, USDA field personnel, and other ag professionals and educators in areas of sustainable agriculture production practices. […]