www.sare.org resources plain-language-guides-for-new-and-under-served-producers Plain Language Guides for New and Under-Served Producers These plain language guides cover topics such as farm financing, accessing government programs, harvest practices and marketing. The plain language format makes this material accessible to beginning farmers, immigrants and...
www.sare.org resources agroforestry-practices-planning-and-design Agroforestry Practices, Planning and Design Agroforestry practices help landowners diversify products, markets, and farm income; improve soil and water quality; and reduce erosion, non-point source pollution and flood damage. The integrated practices of agroforestry enhance...
www.sare.org resources cottage-food-success-a-labeling-guide-and-toolkit-for-creating-canned-food-products-that-sell Cottage Food Success: A Labeling Guide and Toolkit for Creating Canned Food Products that Sell This guide and toolkit provides ideas with step-by-step instructions on how to increase sales of canned products made in your home kitchen under your state’s cottage food law through improved...
www.sare.org resources high-tunnel-growing-is-it-right-for-me High Tunnel Growing: Is it Right for Me? This 17-page project report provides information and data to help farmers evaluate whether high-tunnel growing is right for season extension and potential increased profit. The guide includes farmer profiles, a...
www.sare.org resources a-farmers-guide-to-crop-quality-for-wholesale-outlets A Farmer's Guide to Crop Quality for Wholesale Outlets This 20-page guide aims to support beginning farmers looking to improve quality and consistency of farm produce in order to expand sales to include wholesale accounts. Focused on tomatoes, cucurbits...
www.sare.org resources berry-soil-and-nutrient-management Berry Soil and Nutrient Management Guide for Educators and Growers Commercial berry growers in the Northeast have traditionally made standardized fertilizer applications based on crop age or past fertilization practices, and not on site-specific data of plant nutrient status. This...
www.sare.org resources is-fish-waste-compost-worth-the-mess-and-effort Is Fish Waste Compost Worth the Mess and Effort? Dale Snyder with Sweetgrass Garden Co-op in South Carolina discusses the results of using fish waste compost on vegetables. Based on the data from the one-year Southern SARE-funded study, fish...
www.sare.org resources farmdata FARMDATA FARMDATA is an online database system for inputting and reporting crop production records, particularly for organic vegetable growers. This system includes production records such as seeding, transplanting, harvest, cover crop,...
www.sare.org resources the-small-ruminant-toolbox The Small Ruminant Toolbox Sheep and goat enterprises offer diversification opportunities for small and limited-resource farmers. This Small Ruminant Toolbox was developed by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) in order to provide...
www.sare.org resources creating-farmer-networks-a-toolkit-for-promoting-vibrant-farm-communities Creating Farmer Networks: A Toolkit for Promoting Vibrant Farm Communities This toolkit provides information and resources needed to create a successful farmer network. It is intended for farmers, extension agents, community organizers, and other agricultural professionals. A farmer network—sometimes called...