Showing 1-8 of 8 results

Bringing Independent Farmers into the Marketplace
Small- and mid-sized farms are increasingly turning to supermarkets as a means to earn more for their products and to participate in local economies. In this video, Diana Endicott discusses how she decided to take this route 15 years ago when it was less typical, and how her efforts have resulted in a 100-member co-op today that sells to 30 stores in the Kansas City area.

A Farmer's Guide to Crop Quality for Wholesale Outlets
A simple guide to crop quality focused on tomatoes, cucurbits and greens, with photos of good and poor crop quality as well as best practices for post-harvest handling.

Farm to Table: Building Local and Regional Food Systems
More and more, farmers, ranchers, ag professionals, community organizers and others are striving to reconfigure the nation's food system so more value stays in food-producing communities.

MarketReady Educational Resources
MarketReady prepares food producers to sell directly to consumers and wholesale buyers.

Wholesale Packing Resource Guide
This plain language guide is for farmers and ranchers interested in selling to supermarkets, produce distributors, restaurants and institutions.

How to Direct Market Your Beef
How to Direct Market Your Beef portrays how one couple used its family’s ranch to launch a profitable, grass-based beef operation focused on direct market sales.

Estrategias Economico-Ambientales en la Crianza de Cerdos
Granjeros que quieren producir puercos con éxito en pequeña escala pueden preservar su independencia de cara a la industria de puercos en proceso de consolidación.

Profitable Pork
The 16-page bulletin features profiles about successful hog producers as well as the latest research on everything from greater profits to better-tasting pork raised in alternative hog systems.