www.sare.org resources dairy-your-way Dairy Your Way This publication was created to provide information that will help producers explore the many choices available for today’s dairy farms. This book is not intended to be a how-to dairy...
www.sare.org resources gis-applications-in-agriculture-nutrient-management-for-improved-energy-efficiency GIS Applications in Agriculture: Nutrient Management for Improved Energy Efficiency Volume II Using mathematics, technology, and creativity, GIS Applications in Agriculture, Volume Two: Nutrient Management for Energy Efficiency examines the development of nutrient management practices that help producers improve their profitability and...
www.sare.org resources using-manually-operated-seeders-for-precision-cover-crop-plantings-on-the-small-farm Using Manually Operated Seeders for Precision Cover Crop Plantings on the Small Farm Growing good cover crops begins with planting the seed uniformly and at the right rate and depth to ensure a good stand. This can be especially challenging for small-scale farms...
www.sare.org resources cover-crops-for-all-seasons Cover Crops for All Seasons One of the basic tenets of sustainable agriculture is that greater diversity yields greater agro-ecosystem stability, more beneficial organisms, fewer pests and diseases, more sustained crop yields, and more opportunities...
www.sare.org resources cover-cropping-on-farm-solar-powered-soil-building Cover Cropping: On-Farm, Solar-Powered Soil Building Sustainable farmers and gardeners know that the soil needs to be “fed” regularly in order to continue yielding good crops. Organic matter (carbon-based materials derived from living organisms) and nitrogen...
www.sare.org resources 12-aprils-grazing-dairy-program 12 Aprils Grazing Dairy Program Tom Trantham's Twelve Aprils grazing program has been part of three Southern Region SARE projects. Tom has influenced scores of experienced and beginning dairy farmers through presentations at conferences and...
www.sare.org resources greenhouse-ipm-with-an-emphasis-on-biocontrols Greenhouse IPM with an Emphasis on Biocontrols This manual was designed by the Pennsylvania Integrated Pest Management Program to help greenhouse growers implement biological control and integrated pest management (IPM). It begins with an introduction to IPM...
northcentral.sare.org resources growing-the-pasture-grazed-dairy-sector-in-wisconsin Growing the Pasture-Grazed Dairy Sector in Wisconsin Growing the Pasture-Grazed Dairy Sector in Wisconsin is the summary report of a team of researchers, dairy farmers and chefs who conducted a comprehensive investigation of the chemical and physical...
northcentral.sare.org resources incorporating-cover-crops-in-north-dakota Incorporating Cover Crops in North Dakota In a short growing season like North Dakota's, effectively using cover crops can seem like a challenge. However, farmers are interested in including cover crops to meet specific on-farm goals...
northcentral.sare.org resources camelina-seed-to-oil-video Camelina: Seed to Oil Video This short documentary follows the story of the Batalden-Smith family, a three generation Minnesota family who grow and locally press organic Camelina Oil. In 2010, the Batalden-Smith family received an...