resources sunflower-production-for-on-farm-energy Sunflower Production for On-Farm Energy The following production guides, cost calculator and research reports are on sunflower production, including weed management. They were developed as part of a multi-year research project by University of Vermont... resources resource-guide-for-organic-insect-and-disease-management Resource Guide for Organic Insect and Disease Management Crop management for insects and disease control, photos, fact sheets, and extensive appendices addressing plant resistance, habitats for beneficial insects, trap cropping, and more.... resources understanding-food-safety Understanding Food Safety The number of farmers’ markets in Massachusetts has increased significantly in recent years, and as interest from farmers and consumers has grown, the variety of foods and types of vendors has... resources beyond-black-plastic Beyond Black Plastic While the use of black plastic is allowed within organic agriculture, it is inherently unsustainable as it is a petroleum-based product and difficult to recycle. Every acre of land farmed using... resources adapt-n-training-manual Adapt-N Training Manual Adapt-N is an online tool that helps precisely manage nitrogen (N) inputs for grain, silage, and sweet corn production. It can provide automatic daily updates of each field’s N status and recommendations, based on real-time weather... resources log-based-shiitake-cultivation Log-Based Shiitake Cultivation A useful guide to tree selection, inoculation, and accounting for environmental factors like shade, humidity, and waxing the logs to keep out other kinds of fungi.... resources small-scale-oilseed-processing-guide Small-scale Oilseed Processing Guide Oilseed crops present an opportunity for farmers in the Northeast to diversify with a crop typically grown in the Midwestern and Great Plains regions. Many of the crops are adaptable... resources oilseed-production-in-the-northeast Oilseed Production in the Northeast A 48-page booklet on sunflower and canola production in the Northeast. Topics covered include crop establishment, production, pest management, harvesting, and seed processing and storage.... resources rice-growing-manual-for-the-northeast-usa Rice Growing Manual for the Northeast USA Three years of experiments with growing rice in the Northeast tells us that rice is very productive, and that there is a real potential for rice to become a commercial... resources whole-farm-nutrient-planning-for-organic-farms Whole-Farm Nutrient Planning for Organic Farms Filled with useful detail and valuable reference charts, this booklet acknowledges from the start that nutrient management is often a major challenge for organic farms. And, since soil test results...