www.sare.org resources no-till-farmer-steward-of-the-land No-Till Farmer: Steward of the Land Dan Forgey has been growing crops on the Cronin Family Farm for more than 40 years. What he has always loved most about farming is the soil. He believes that...
www.sare.org resources growing-cover-crops-with-a-cash-crop Growing Cover Crops with a Cash Crop Cronin Farm’s innovative no-till system integrates both cover crops and livestock grazing (see Next Step: Adding a Cover Crop to a No Till System). With support from SARE, Forgey has...
www.sare.org resources adding-cover-crops-to-a-no-till-system Adding Cover Crops to a No-Till System Dan Forgey, farm manager at Cronin Farms in South Dakota, has been using no-till management for more than 17 years. Over that time, Forgey has developed a keen understanding of...
www.sare.org resources thermal-banking-greenhouses Thermal Banking Greenhouses At Minnesota’s latitude, farmers who can extend their growing season have a distinct advantage in the marketplace: By offering a product outside the “normal” growing season, they can often receive...
www.sare.org resources thermal-banking-for-cold-storage Thermal Banking for Cold Storage The thermal banking technology that Steven Schwen uses in his innovative greenhouse (see Sustainable Energy: Thermal Banking Greenhouse Design) applies not only to conservation of heat, but to cold storage...
www.sare.org resources managing-alternative-pollinators Managing Alternative Pollinators Managing Alternative Pollinators: A Handbook for Beekeepers, Growers and Conservationists is a first-of-its-kind, step-by-step, full-color guide for rearing and managing bumble bees, mason bees, leafcutter bees and other bee species that...
southern.sare.org resources organic-horticulture-training-for-the-southeast Organic Horticulture Training for the Southeast Universities of Alabama, Arkansas, North Carolina and South Carolina have partnered to develop a website to help train and educate Cooperative Extension System personnel and other agricultural professionals on the...
northeast.sare.org resources rice-growing-manual-for-the-northeast-usa Rice Growing Manual for the Northeast USA Three years of experiments with growing rice in the Northeast tells us that rice is very productive, and that there is a real potential for rice to become a commercial...
northeast.sare.org resources whole-farm-nutrient-planning-for-organic-farms Whole-Farm Nutrient Planning for Organic Farms Filled with useful detail and valuable reference charts, this booklet acknowledges from the start that nutrient management is often a major challenge for organic farms. And, since soil test results...
www.sare.org resources good-agricultural-practices Good Agricultural Practices Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certification is a way for growers to let buyers know that they follow appropriate food safety practices on their farms. These fact sheets from North Carolina...