resources consumer-attitudes-and-purchasing-decisions Consumer attitudes and purchasing decisions Covers consumer trends and concerns. You will need Adobe Presenter to view.... resources harvesting-cattle-to-produce-quality-beef Harvesting cattle to produce quality beef Pricing, quality at harvest, issues with dark cutters, influence of cattle age, and more. You will need Adobe Presenter to view.... resources quality-grade Quality grade Marbling, maturity, nutrition, and the distribution of quality grading in the U.S. You will need Adobe Presenter to view.... resources understanding-beef-labels Understanding beef labels Labeling basics, labeling requirements, applying for labels, labeling examples, and more.You will need Adobe Presneter to view.... resources working-with-the-processor Working with the processor Information for the processor, planning to harvest, USDA facilities, packaging, and more. You will need Adobe Presenter to view.... resources wilson-beef-farms Wilson Beef Farms Since 1976, Wilson Beef Farms has evolved from a predominately custom slaughter facility for local farmers to a harvesting operation dedicated solely to Wilson Beef Farms cattle and hogs.... resources niche-poultry-enterprises-in-new-england Niche Poultry Enterprises in New England Broiler enterprises have started making a comeback in the region in recent years, but they tend to look very different from the standard broiler operations you’d find in Maryland or Georgia. Scale is the... resources understanding-food-safety Understanding Food Safety The number of farmers’ markets in Massachusetts has increased significantly in recent years, and as interest from farmers and consumers has grown, the variety of foods and types of vendors has... resources handbook-for-small-scale-poultry-producer-processors Handbook for Small-Scale Poultry Producer-Processors An overview of Massachusetts regulations regarding the slaughter of poultry and how that applies to use of a Mobile Poultry Processing Unit. Includes frequently asked questions, step-by-step instructions, and an appendix of useful... resources case-study-kentucky-mobile-poultry-processing-unit Case Study: Kentucky Mobile Poultry Processing Unit A case study and accompanying video of Kentucky's Mobile Poultry Processing Unit to aid small farmers who want to raise poultry for market, but have nowhere to process their birds....