resources maintenance-of-natural-sustainable-riparian-communities-fact-sheets-series Maintenance of Natural Sustainable Riparian Communities Fact Sheets Series Miranda Meehan, a graduate student from North Dakota State University, created five extension fact sheets after monitoring and reporting on the riparian ecosystem associated with the Middle Sheyenne River, a... resources perfecting-the-day-range-pastured-poultry-system Perfecting the Day-Range Pastured-Poultry System Raising poultry on pasture instead of in a barn or other permanent structure is an increasingly popular enterprise for hobby and small farmers across the country. This bulletin features the... resources poultry-your-way Poultry Your Way Poultry Your Way is for anyone interested in commercially raising, processing, and marketing poultry. It is designed to help you consider alternatives, and to help you make decisions about which... resources integrated-fly-management-for-pastured-cattle Integrated Fly Management for Pastured Cattle In grazing systems, flies can not only be a nuisance for cattle but can also cause herd health problems like pink eye, and reduce milk production and weight gain. Matt... resources nutrient-management-in-corn-production Nutrient Management in Corn Production The following Cornell University agronomy fact sheets were developed during a 2009 SARE grant to help farmers and educators better evaluate nutrient cycling in corn production, thereby equipping them with... resources scaling-up-pastured-livestock-production Scaling Up Pastured Livestock Production This research report, authored by Pasa Sustainable Agriculture staff Franklin Egan and Brooks Miller of North Mountain Pastures, summarizes land and feed efficiency benchmarks for grass-finished beef, pastured pigs, and... resources feeding-cattle-for-quality-beef Feeding cattle for quality beef Feeding, weight gain, common nutritional limitations, and more. You will need Adobe Presenter to view.... resources pricing-the-beef-carcass Pricing the beef carcass Smart pricing, hidden costs, keeping up with changes in the market, and more. You will need Adobe Presenter to view.... resources hedgeapple-farm Hedgeapple Farm Hedgeapple Farm sells grass-fed Black Angus beef in Buckeystown, Maryland. You will need Adobe 9.0 or higher to view.... resources highpoint-farm Highpoint Farm Highpoint Farm is a CSA in Trumansburg, New York. You will need Adobe Reader 9.0 or higher to view....