resources organic-parasite-control Organic parasite control Signs of parasites, prevention, National Organic Program standards, and more. You will need Adobe Presenter to view. ... resources low-input-lambing-and-kidding Low-Input Lambing and Kidding A 70-page handbook on reducing inputs and managing stress during lambing or kidding. Includes operational strategies and costs, pasture lambing, animal well-being, and other considerations. ... resources famacha FAMACHA FAMACHA is a diagnostic tool to help farmers identify parasite infection in small ruminants, such as sheep and goats. The tool is a chart that matches eyelid color to anemia... resources sustainable-year-round-forage-production-and-grazing-browsing-management-in-the-southern-region Sustainable Year-Round Forage Production and Grazing/Browsing Management in the Southern Region Pasture-based goat production is becoming one of the important enterprises for livestock farmers in the Southeastern U.S. However, most livestock farmers have not adopted sustainable forage programs and depend on... resources dealing-with-summer-heat-in-free-range-poultry Dealing with Summer Heat in Free-Range Poultry As temperatures increase in the summer, special attention needs to be paid to birds maintained on pasture. This fact sheet, developed by University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension, explores ways to... resources winterization-for-the-poultry-farm Winterization for the Poultry Farm A fact sheet developed by the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension on ways to winterize poultry houses. Winterization for the Poultry Farm.pdf 68.89 kB... resources heritage-turkey-manual Heritage Turkey Manual The Heritage Turkey Manual was developed by The Livestock Conservancy on all facets of pasture-based turkey production and turkey breeding. How to Raise Turkeys on Pasture pulls together historic information... resources pasture-and-grazing-management-in-the-pacific-northwest Pasture and Grazing Management in the Pacific Northwest A book that provides knowledge of ecological processes involved in pasture growth and utilization and an understanding of how management influence those processes for good or bad.... resources living-on-the-land Living on the Land Living on the Land is one of the most comprehensive and adaptable curricula in the country for training natural resource professionals to, in turn, teach small-acreage landowners how to care...