western.sare.org resources sustainable-agriculture-farming-systems-project Sustainable Agriculture Farming Systems Project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgeeCmLwWXU Public concerns regarding pesticide misuse, food safety, water use and contamination, and depletion of non-renewable resources have motivated the reevaluation of some of the practices of conventional agriculture and...
western.sare.org resources farm-internship-handbook-oregon Farm Internship Handbook: Oregon This handbook is designed for producers who have decided to use interns or already have an internship program in place and are looking for ways to improve it....
western.sare.org resources grower-track-and-trace-handbook-and-videos Grower Track and Trace Handbook and Videos Circle Fresh Farms is a network of small- to medium-sized greenhouses producing certified organic fresh vegetables. In order to remain competitive and compliant with emerging expectations to provide farm-to-consumer product...
western.sare.org resources a-guide-for-hawaiis-farmers A Guide for Hawai’i’s Farmers This guide was developed to assist new farmers in tropical small-island settings by providing a distillation of expert information on sustainable agriculture principles, agroecology, crop production, animal production, agroforestry and...
western.sare.org resources on-farm-internship-training-binder On-Farm Internship Training Binder The Placer Ag Futures Project was conceived as a response to critical issues affecting local agricultural sustainability. This project was intended to help grow a new crop of agricultural professionals...
western.sare.org resources technical-assistance-programs-for-agricultural-irrigation-improvements-in-arizona Technical Assistance Programs for Agricultural Irrigation Improvements in Arizona A number of organizations offer technical assistance programs for improvements to agricultural irrigation systems. Irrigation improvements can lead to more efficient and precise application of water. As a result, growers...
western.sare.org resources growing-grapes-in-hawaii Growing Grapes in Hawaii The basis for this project was to show that grapes could again become a viable crop for Hawaii growers at low elevations. This addition of a crop, in demand by...
western.sare.org resources metropolitan-foodshed-toolkit Metropolitan Foodshed Toolkit A regional toolkit of strategies to support the evolution of a sustainable Portland Metropolitan Foodshed. Toolkits are for farmers, ranchers, policymakers, planners and consumers. This set of tools were created so...
western.sare.org resources sustainable-ranch-management-assessment-guidebook Sustainable Ranch Management Assessment Guidebook The purpose of the guidebook is to assist the rancher and/or land manager use business planning and ecological monitoring to ensure the ranch or land is managed in a sustainable...
western.sare.org resources pasture-and-grazing-management-in-the-pacific-northwest Pasture and Grazing Management in the Pacific Northwest A book that provides knowledge of ecological processes involved in pasture growth and utilization and an understanding of how management influence those processes for good or bad....