www.sare.org publications scaling-up-your-vegetable-farm-for-wholesale-markets wholesale-marketing Wholesale Marketing ...program offers dozens of publications on marketing-related topics, including Scaling Up Your Vegetable Farm for Regional Markets and the Marketing Tip Sheet Series, which summarizes the pros and cons of... Related Results:Scaling Up Your Vegetable Farm for Wholesale MarketsIntroductionAssess Your Readiness to Scale UpClarify Your Mission, Vision and Goals
northeast.sare.org resources livestock-marketing-channel-assessment-tool Livestock Marketing Channel Assessment Tool The Livestock Marketing Channel Assessment Tool (LMCAT) was developed by Cornell Agricultural Marketing Specialist Matthew LeRoux based on case studies that he completed on four New York farms. The LMCAT helps livestock...
www.sare.org publications building-a-sustainable-business strategic-planning Strategic Planning and Evaluation - What Routes Can You Take to Get Where You Want to Go? Planning Task Four Develop a business strategy: Marketing Strategy Markets Product Competition Distribution and Packaging Pricing Promotion Inventory and Management Develop a Strategic Marketing Plan Operating Strategy Production Management Regulations... Related Results:Building a Sustainable BusinessFarm History and Current Situation - What Have You Got?Present, Implement and Monitor Your Business Plan - Which Route Will You Take, and How Will You Check Your Progress Along the Way?Introduction to Building a Sustainable BusinessSee all (5) results from: Building a Sustainable Business
northcentral.sare.org resources comparing-advertising-channels-for-direct-marketing Comparing Advertising Channels for Direct Marketing ...The young co-op markets beef to retailers and directly to consumers. Recognizing the importance of effective marketing strategies in reaching consumers, the co-op used an NCR-SARE Farmer/Rancher grant to measure...
www.sare.org publications best-practices-for-the-sustainable-urban-farm marketing-in-urban-areas Marketing in Urban Areas ...farms support the community and local and regional food systems by directly marketing fresh, healthy foods to nearby residents, businesses and institutions. Marketing your products comes with challenges, however. Perhaps... Related Results:Best Practices for the Sustainable Urban FarmNonprofit Versus For-Profit Urban Farms and Farmer Training ProgramsLooking to the FutureSeason Extension and Controlled Environments
www.sare.org publications diversifying-cropping-systems marketing-strategies-and-profit-potential Marketing Strategies and Profit Potential On the 300-acre Bryant Ranch in south central Idaho, manager Fred Brossy’s profits are firmly grounded in his marketing strategy. Almost every one of his organic crops – potatoes, dry... Related Results:Diversifying Cropping SystemsSelecting Alternative CropsWhy Diversify?Strengthen CommunitySee all (5) results from: Diversifying Cropping Systems
www.sare.org publications profitable-pork marketing-options-for-pork cooperative-marketing Cooperative Marketing for Pork ...farmers. Patchwork Family Farms, a marketing cooperative supported by the Missouri Rural Crisis Center, rewards 15 pork producers for their dedication to 'sustainable' and 'humane' growing standards with a fair... Related Results:Profitable PorkRaising Pigs on Pasture
www.sare.org resources production-and-marketing-of-beach-plum-a-heritage-fruit-crop Production and Marketing of Beach Plum, a Heritage Fruit Crop Wild beach plum, ‘on the edge,’ in the harsh coastal environment of Montauk Point State Park, New York. Beach plum (Prunus maritima Marsh) is one of several shrubby plums native...
northeast.sare.org resources reversing-the-downward-trend Reversing the Downward Trend ...Finding the Customer Base Marketing on a Budget Mastering Marketing Messages Reaching the Target Audience Programs and Services Farmer Training Building Market Programs for All Shoppers Bringing Convenience to the...
southern.sare.org resources the-montgomery-county-farm-to-community-planning-project The Montgomery County Farm to Community Planning Project ...focusing on direct, restaurant, and then institutional buyers. Those producers cited land and labor access, transport cost or type, and marketing as top barriers to doing so. Training programs regarding...