www.sare.org resources best-practices-for-the-sustainable-urban-farm Best Practices for the Sustainable Urban Farm Abu Talib is the director of the Taqwa Community Farm, which he helped establish on a vacant lot in his Bronx neighborhood in 1992. Photo by Preston Keres, USDA For...
www.sare.org resources what-is-sustainable-agriculture What is Sustainable Agriculture? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iloAQmroRK0&list=PLWlltQ6Oy0zpgxVhd2vZqTDvVXpPhSVd0 Episode 1 of our video series What is Sustainable Agriculture? takes a look at the whole farm approach to sustainability and illustrates how cover crops, conservation tillage, ecological pest...
www.sare.org resources transitioning-to-organic-production Transitioning to Organic Production Farmers and ranchers decide to pursue organic certification for many personal, financial and environmental reasons. This publication introduces you to the requirements of the USDA National Organic Program and outlines...
www.sare.org resources manage-weeds-on-your-farm Manage Weeds On Your Farm Manage Weeds on Your Farm is a definitive guide to understanding agricultural weeds and how to manage them efficiently, effectively and ecologically—for organic and conventional farmers alike. With the growing...
www.sare.org resources a-whole-farm-approach-to-managing-pests A Whole Farm Approach to Managing Pests This 16-page bulletin helps producers—and the educators who work with them—use ecological principles to design farm-wide approaches to control pests. It lays out basic ecological principles for managing pests and suggests...
www.sare.org resources cover-crop-economics Cover Crop Economics Farmers around the country are planting cover crops on millions of acres to protect and improve the soil, and the more that farmers use cover crops, the more they value...
www.sare.org resources how-to-conduct-research-on-your-farm-or-ranch How to Conduct Research on Your Farm or Ranch This 32-page Ag Innovations Series technical bulletin provides detailed instruction for crop and livestock producers, as well as educators, on how to conduct research at the farm level using practical...
www.sare.org resources investing-in-the-next-generation-of-agricultural-scientists Investing in the Next Generation of Agricultural Scientists The challenges that farmers and ranchers face today are growing more and more complex, and the cornerstone of the SARE program is the idea that sustainable solutions to these challenges...
www.sare.org resources cover-cropping-for-pollinators-and-beneficial-insects Cover Cropping for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects Flowering cover crops can fulfill their original purpose as a conservation practice while at the same time providing valuable forage for wild bees and beneficial insects. This added benefit can be significantly enhanced...
www.sare.org resources high-tunnels-and-other-season-extension-techniques High Tunnels and Other Season Extension Techniques A condensed version of the content on this page is available as a PDF download, High Tunnels and other Season Extension Techniques. Or use the Order button on this page...