www.sare.org publications climate-risk-management-and-resilience-on-farms-and-ranches climate-risk-management-resources Climate Risk Management Resources for Farmers and Educators ...support agricultural adaptation to climate change in the region. SustainableCorn.org: Crops, Climate, Culture and Change. Online tools and research to help Corn Belt growers adapt to changing climate conditions. USDA Regional Climate Hubs. Offers tools,... Related Results:Cultivating Climate Resilience on Farms and RanchesAgriculture as a Means to Mitigate Climate Change
www.sare.org publications building-soils-for-better-crops what-is-organic-matter-and-why-is-it-so-important Ch 2. What Is Organic Matter and Why Is It So Important ...sinks for carbon storage and can enhance their health at the same time. Increasing soil organic matter is no silver bullet for combating climate change, but it can help to... Related Results:Building Soils for Better CropsCh 11. Diversifying Cropping SystemsCh 5. Soil Particles, Water and AirIntroductionSee all (8) results from: Building Soils for Better Crops, 4th edition
www.sare.org publications smart-water-use-on-your-farm-or-ranch smart-water-use-introduction Smart Water Use: Introduction ...without over-watering. Water Management in a Changing Climate Photo by Lance Cheung, USDA The importance of sustainable water management will continue to grow as the impact of climate change intensifies....
www.sare.org publications case-studies-of-sare-grant-impacts do-cover-crops-stabilize-wine-grape-productivity-in-a-variable-climate Do Cover Crops Stabilize Wine Grape Productivity in a Variable Climate? – Pennsylvania ...Centinari Vineyards are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change because wet years and fertile soil can lead to excessive vegetative growth on vines, which reduces the quality of the... Related Results:SARE Project Impacts: 2016-2023Evaluating the Effectiveness of Locally Available Woodchips for Weed Control – Virginia
www.sare.org publications clean-energy-farming storing-carbon Storing Carbon in Soils ...Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), roughly 100 billion metric tons of carbon could be sequestered in the world’s soils during the next 50 years, offsetting 10–20 percent of carbon...
www.sare.org publications conservation-tillage-systems-in-the-southeast chapter-5-cover-crop-management cover-crop-selection Cover Crop Selection ...increased SOC contents are well documented. Recent interest in climate change highlights the potential that high-residue cover crops possess for carbon sequestration and potential government payments. The Soil Conditioning Index...
www.sare.org publications what-is-sustainable-agriculture biological-diversity Biological Diversity ...Soil Health, Climate Resilience and Pollinators SARE project WRGR19-03 The threat posed to agriculture by climate change is well known, as is the need to adopt practices that improve soil...
www.sare.org publications farming-with-soil-life soil-health Soil Health ...importance to balancing carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global climate change. In the face of our present situation, a new soil health paradigm would focus on creating...
www.sare.org publications transitioning-to-organic-production business-planning Business Planning ...organic agriculture can make farms more resilient to extreme weather events associated with climate change. Reduce the Cost of Organic Certification You may be able to get a portion of...
www.sare.org publications manage-weeds-on-your-farm cultural-weed-management Ch 3. Cultural Weed Management ...seeded cover crops that quickly produce leaf area will suppress weeds best. Common summer cover crops with large seeds include buckwheat, sorghum-sudangrass hybrid (sudex), cowpeas (also called blackeyed peas) and...