Showing 1-5 of 5 results

Selecting Cattle to Improve Grazing Distribution Patterns, Rangeland Health and Water Quality
This project is the first and only study that we are aware of that has evaluated whether grazing distribution has the potential to be improved through intensive breed selection. Most of the management approaches currently used to increase grazing uniformity, such as water developments and fencing, can resolve livestock grazing distribution problems on both private and public lands. However, these practices usually require large capital expenditures.

Applying for the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)
This plain language guide discusses eligibility and the application process for the USDA-NRCS Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP).

Applying for Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
This plain language guide introduces readers to the USDA-NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), and explains eligibility for EQIP, how to apply and how the money can be used.

Rangeland Management Strategies
Features innovative SARE-funded research on creating and sustaining a healthy range.

Diversifying Cropping Systems
This bulletin describes some of the many agronomic crop alternatives to use in rotations, with plentiful examples of on-farm successes.