resources sweetpotato-production-for-kentucky Sweetpotato Production for Kentucky This 16-page guidebook, produced by the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service, covers all aspects of sweetpotato production in Kentucky. Topics include variety selection, production techniques, insect... resources good-agricultural-practices Good Agricultural Practices Developing a food safety plan requires knowledge of farming practices and best management practices training. This guide is one resource producers can use in developing a food safety plan. Created... resources grower-track-and-trace-handbook-and-videos Grower Track and Trace Handbook and Videos Circle Fresh Farms is a network of small- to medium-sized greenhouses producing certified organic fresh vegetables. In order to remain competitive and compliant with emerging expectations to provide farm-to-consumer product... resources metropolitan-foodshed-toolkit Metropolitan Foodshed Toolkit A regional toolkit of strategies to support the evolution of a sustainable Portland Metropolitan Foodshed. Toolkits are for farmers, ranchers, policymakers, planners and consumers. This set of tools were created so...