resources the-new-growers-guide-to-producing-organic-food-grade-grains-in-the-upper-midwest The New Growers’ Guide to Producing Organic Food-Grade Grains in The Upper Midwest For farmers interested in producing food-grade grains, there are unique opportunities, challenges, and considerations for growing and selling these higher-value crops. These grains, destined for direct human consumption or as... resources pollinator-friendly-cover-cropping-for-vegetable-producers-in-the-upper-midwest Pollinator-Friendly Cover Cropping for Vegetable Producers in the Upper Midwest Growers are increasingly interested in adding cover crops to rotations to improve soil health, break disease cycles, and provide ecosystem services. In addition to these benefits, cover crops present an... resources northeast-dry-bean-production-guide Northeast Dry Bean Production Guide This guide provides guidance on growing dry beans based on field-based research conducted in 2015 and 2016 on two Northern Vermont farms that trialed 19 varieties of dry beans. The... resources resource-guide-for-organic-insect-and-disease-management Resource Guide for Organic Insect and Disease Management Crop management for insects and disease control, photos, fact sheets, and extensive appendices addressing plant resistance, habitats for beneficial insects, trap cropping, and more.... resources growing-specialty-ethnic-crops-for-a-south-asian-market-in-the-northeast Growing Specialty Ethnic Crops for a South Asian Market in the Northeast This guide, written by David Vigil and Kendra Ellis of East New York Farms!, provides information on growing three types of South Asian specialty crops--beans, vining gourds and greens. A... resources adapt-n-training-manual Adapt-N Training Manual Adapt-N is an online tool that helps precisely manage nitrogen (N) inputs for grain, silage, and sweet corn production. It can provide automatic daily updates of each field’s N status and recommendations, based on real-time weather... resources beyond-black-plastic Beyond Black Plastic While the use of black plastic is allowed within organic agriculture, it is inherently unsustainable as it is a petroleum-based product and difficult to recycle. Every acre of land farmed using... resources buckwheat-cover-crop-handbook Buckwheat Cover Crop Handbook Buckwheat has been used to suppress weeds on Northeastern farms for 400 years. On modern farms we have different tools, a different market, and different economic constraints; so buckwheat will... resources sweetpotato-production-for-kentucky Sweetpotato Production for Kentucky This 16-page guidebook, produced by the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service, covers all aspects of sweetpotato production in Kentucky. Topics include variety selection, production techniques, insect... resources high-tunnel-crop-production-handbook High Tunnel Crop Production Handbook High tunnel crop production allows farmers to extend the growing season and create a more controlled growing environment that can exclude pests. But because of their unique environment, high tunnels...