www.sare.org resources the-sustainability-of-biofuel-fact-sheet-series The Sustainability of Biofuel Fact Sheet Series ...Sequestration of Carbon by Shrub Willow Offsets Greenhouse Gas Emissions Soil Erosion and Sustainable Biofuel Production Sustainability Standards for Farm Energy Sustainability on the Farm Water Use and Sustainable Biofuel Production...
www.sare.org publications clean-energy-farming biofuels community-scale-biofuel-production Profitable, Community-Scale Biofuel Production While much national attention has been focused on the mega-million-gallon ethanol and biodiesel plants sprouting across the country, on-farm biofuel production facilities run by farmers for farmers, and by small... Related Results:Clean Energy FarmingGetting StartedGlossary
www.sare.org publications conservation-tillage-systems-in-the-southeast references-10 References Chapter 1: Introduction to Conservation Tillage Systems Balkcom, K.S. October 2005. Personal communication. National Soils Dynamics Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Auburn, AL. Bergtold, J.S., J.A. Terra, D.W. Reeves, J.N.... Related Results:Conservation Tillage Systems in the SoutheastCover Crop Economics
www.sare.org resources energy-independence-on-farm-biodiesel-fuel-production Energy Independence: On-Farm Biodiesel Fuel Production ...the farm. Rainville cautions that farmers should try out oilseed and biofuel production on a small scale first, before making any major changes or investments in equipment. Watch the video...
www.sare.org publications building-soils-for-better-crops introduction Introduction ...less-efficient use of crop nutrients; and expanding acreages for biofuel crops—strains our ability to produce sufficient food for the people of the world. We have now reached a point where... Related Results:Building Soils for Better CropsCh 9. Managing for High-Quality Soils and Focusing on Organic Matter ManagementCh 11. Diversifying Cropping Systems
www.sare.org publications manage-weeds-on-your-farm cultural-weed-management Ch 3. Cultural Weed Management ...then fed to other livestock or used for biofuel. Promoting Weed Seed Predation After Seed Dispersal Predation of weed seeds can substantially reduce seed populations. A summary of 10 experiments...
www.sare.org resources clean-energy-farming Clean Energy Farming Across the country, as energy prices climb, farmers are turning more and more to clean energy practices. From energy-saving light bulbs to solar panels to fuels grown and processed on...
www.sare.org resources growing-biodiesel-crops-a-couple-of-tips Growing Biodiesel Crops: A Couple of Tips Roger Rainville’s biodiesel production system didn’t come out of an instruction manual or textbook. As he describes in Energy Independence: On-Farm Biodiesel Fuel Production, it was developed over time through...
western.sare.org resources growing-camelina-for-biodiesel Growing Camelina for Biodiesel This bulletin investigates the tradeoffs for a potential on-farm biodiesel production enterprise from dryland camelina to understand when and if it can be economically viable. Is Biodiesel from Camelina Right...