www.sare.org resources special-topics-with-cover-crops-and-soil-health Special Topics with Cover Crops and Soil Health Session recordings on this page include: Organic and Specialty Crops Grazing Cover Crops Soil Health Policy Issues Organic and Specialty Crops Weed control in organic soybeans is notoriously difficult. Clean...
www.sare.org resources cover-crops-for-soil-health-workshop Cover Crops for Soil Health Workshop This three-day professional development workshop, hosted by Northeast SARE and Delaware State University in March 2016, addressed the latest research on the benefits and successful management of cover crops in...
www.sare.org resources cover-crops-as-part-of-an-overall-nutrient-management-system-2 Cover Crops as Part of an Overall Nutrient Management System In this session, Steven Mirsky (USDA-ARS) discusses the role of cover crops in integrated fertility management and maximizing nutrient availability, as well as the role of grasses versus legumes and...
www.sare.org resources 2014-national-conference-on-cover-crops-and-soil-health 2014 National Conference on Cover Crops and Soil Health The National Conference on Cover Crops and Soil Health, held Feb. 17-19, 2014 in Omaha, Neb., brought together 300 agricultural leaders and innovators to explore how we can make American...
www.sare.org resources grazing-cover-crops-and-benefits-for-livestock-operations Grazing Cover Crops and Benefits for Livestock Operations This session explored the ways that cover crops can be integrated with livestock operations, including as forage for grazing in between cash crop growing seasons. Doug Hanson, Illinois farmer (PDF)...
www.sare.org resources developing-successful-organic-horticulture-farms-practical-training-for-ag-professionals Developing Successful Organic Horticulture Farms: Practical Training for Ag Professionals Power Point presentation series developed by the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group for ag professionals and farmers interesting in elements of organic crop production and managing organic systems. Principles of...