resources women-caring-for-the-land-improving-conservation-outreach-to-female-non-operator-farmland-owners-curriculum-manual Women Caring for the Land: Improving Conservation Outreach to Female Non-Operator Farmland Owners Curriculum Manual The percentage of women who are sole landowners is rising. Many women express strong conservation values in meetings and surveys but are often unsure of how to turn those values... resources gap-for-urban-food-producers GAP for Urban Food Producers This PowerPoint presentation, "Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Handling Practices (GHP) for Urban Food Producers" was created by SARE Ohio State Coordinator, Mike Hogan.... resources poultry-your-way Poultry Your Way Poultry Your Way is for anyone interested in commercially raising, processing, and marketing poultry. It is designed to help you consider alternatives, and to help you make decisions about which... resources how-alive-is-my-soil How Alive is My Soil? This guide presents soil testing methods that can be performed in the field by farmers, gardeners, or anyone who desires to understand and appreciate soil from a different perspective. While... resources supporting-relationships-for-farm-success Supporting Relationships for Farm Success It is not uncommon that the barriers to implementing changes on the farm are not related to production or marketing but rather interpersonal or "non-technical" issues like effective communication, decision-making,... resources vermont-food-education-every-day Vermont Food Education Every Day Through a Northeast SARE Research and Education grant, Vermont Food Education Every Day (FEED) produced two guides for farmers and school food service personnel to help build farm to school programs... resources reversing-the-downward-trend Reversing the Downward Trend Farmers across the Northeast have reported decreases in consumer participation at farmers' markets and reduced sales. This toolkit was developed as a result of survey research that looked at consumer... resources evaluation-of-the-intervale-center-food-hub Evaluation of the Intervale Center Food Hub From 2007 to 2010, the Intervale Food Hub grew from a research project to a food hub with 21 participating farms, grossing $280,000 in total and returning 70 percent to participating... resources farm-to-school-training-toolkit Farm to School Training Toolkit Farm to School in the Northeast is a training toolkit that provides information and resources for extension educators and other community leaders involved in starting a farm to school program.... resources guide-to-financing-community-supported-farms Guide to Financing Community Supported Farms Since it is not always easy to obtain loans from traditional financing sources, farmers are exploring alternative funding opportunities to meet their needs. Unconventional financial arrangements, which are new to...