western.sare.org news regenerative-agriculture-the-next-evolution-of-sustainable-farming
Regenerative Agriculture – The Next Evolution of Sustainable Farming?
...Is regenerative agriculture the new sustainable agriculture? And what is it, anyway? First thing to know is that there isn’t one universally accepted definition of regenerative agriculture. For some, it’s...
southern.sare.org news southern-sare-awards-1m-grant-to-explore-regenerative-agriculture
Southern SARE Awards $1M Grant to Explore Regenerative Agriculture
...components of regenerative grazing, the team can identify more effective water management strategies, better ways to sequester carbon and the best methods for improving soil health through regenerative grazing practices....
www.sare.org publications building-soils-for-better-crops cover-crops
Ch 10. Cover Crops
...had heard about and learned of the successes of other farmers who chose a soil-first strategy for their operations. Those regenerative agriculture practices focused on reducing or eliminating tillage, ending...
northeast.sare.org news northeast-sare-administrative-council-approves-5-8m-for-62-projects
Northeast SARE Administrative Council Approves $5.8M for 62 projects
...$175,000 Regenerative Organic Dry Bean Production in the Northeast Matthew Ryan Cornell University $250,000 Cornell University will expand organic dry bean production as part of a regenerative cropping system in...
northcentral.sare.org news ncr-sares-2024-farmer-rancher-grants
NCR-SARE's 2024 Farmer Rancher Grants
...$29,067 for the project, “Empowering our community through education: Making Regenerative Farming Accessible for All.” Sylvester Friend of Prairie Hills Farm in Selma, IN was awarded $14,995 for the project,...
www.sare.org what-we-do professional-development fellows-program meet-the-fellows
Meet the Fellows
...land, mentorship, professional services, site visits, and management plans. On her farm she practices regenerative methods such as management-intensive grazing and silvopasture. Through participating in the SARE Fellows program Sowash...
www.sare.org publications our-farms-our-future-podcast-series accessible-food-systems
Accessible Food Systems
...buzzword seems to be "regenerative", which I like from the standpoint of--it's going past like, sustaining is just kind of like maintaining, you know, and regenerative is like, okay, how...
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Manage Weeds on Your Farm Video Series
...flame weeders. Regenerative agriculture is also a priority on the farm, and their use of ground cover and sheep grazing provide important soil health benefits. Ecological Weed ManagemenT At Burroughs...
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Understanding and Measuring Social Sustainability
...promote food sovereignty. Lessons from the project can inform progress toward a more racially just, regenerative and equitable food system. Some SARE projects do not have social sustainability as their...
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Recordings of General Sessions
...less production costs, such as less diesel, fertilizers, or pesticides. These practices are good for farmers and the environment. Regenerative practices that build soil organic matter translate into farms that...