www.sare.org resources the-sustainability-of-biofuel-fact-sheet-series The Sustainability of Biofuel Fact Sheet Series The following peer-reviewed fact sheets are available on eXtension.org: Biodiesel and the Food vs. Fuel Debate Biodiversity and Biofuel Production Biofuels and Greenhouse Gas Reductions Biomass Feedstocks and Energy Independence...
www.sare.org resources developing-an-energy-efficient-solar-heated-greenhouse-in-maryland Developing an Energy Efficient, Solar-Heated Greenhouse in Maryland The lack of year-round availability of locally grown food and food processing infrastructure are the greatest barriers to increasing the consumption of local food in western Maryland. If an economical,...
www.sare.org resources cover-crops-and-no-till-management-for-organic-systems Cover Crops and No-Till Management for Organic Systems This Rodale Institute fact sheet reviews the use of cover crops and no-till in organic systems, including selection, establishment and mechanical termination of cover crops; crop rotations; and energy and...
northcentral.sare.org resources maintenance-of-natural-sustainable-riparian-communities-fact-sheets-series Maintenance of Natural Sustainable Riparian Communities Fact Sheets Series Miranda Meehan, a graduate student from North Dakota State University, created five extension fact sheets after monitoring and reporting on the riparian ecosystem associated with the Middle Sheyenne River, a...
northeast.sare.org resources on-farm-smart-energy-buying-and-use On-Farm Smart Energy Buying and Use This is part of the Farm Energy IQ Curriculum Series. With the understanding of deregulated energy markets and having an option to buy energy at less expensive times of the...
northeast.sare.org resources on-farm-energy-efficiency On-Farm Energy Efficiency This curriculum module covers the fundamentals of energy systems. Basic thermodynamics, heat transfer, energy conversion processes and discussion of energy efficiency and specific applications on farms are addressed. Topics include:...
northeast.sare.org resources on-farm-energy-production-biofuels On-Farm Energy Production - Biofuels The On Farm Energy Production Curriculum Series topics include: Bioenergy Feedstock Production | Biodiesel and Straight Vegetable Oil | Biogas | Wood and Grass Pellets...
northeast.sare.org resources on-farm-energy-production-solar On-Farm Energy Production - Solar This solar electricity and solar thermal module provides a basic understanding and how to calculate a simple payback term for the installation of different size systems. Learn about programs that...
northeast.sare.org resources on-farm-energy-production-wind On-Farm Energy Production - Wind Is wind energy a viable option for your home or business to lower reliance on the grid supplied electricity? In this module, learn how to gauge your the wind resource...
western.sare.org resources solar-energy-training-program Solar Energy Training Program Informative fact sheets/bulletins on the fundamentals of solar photovoltaic energy systems. This training includes the following documents (PDF): Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Site Assessment Demystifying the Solar Module Mounting Your Solar...