www.sare.org resources national-continuing-education-program National Continuing Education Program Welcome to the national continuing education program in sustainable agriculture presented by SARE. This program is designed primarily for Cooperative Extension and Natural Resource Conservation Service personnel, and is also...
www.sare.org resources farm-to-school-training-toolkit Farm to School Training Toolkit Farm to School in the Northeast is a training toolkit that provides information and resources for extension educators and other community leaders involved in starting a farm to school program....
northeast.sare.org resources farm-to-school-training-toolkit Farm to School Training Toolkit Farm to School in the Northeast is a training toolkit that provides information and resources for extension educators and other community leaders involved in starting a farm to school program....
northeast.sare.org resources on-farm-smart-energy-buying-and-use On-Farm Smart Energy Buying and Use This is part of the Farm Energy IQ Curriculum Series. With the understanding of deregulated energy markets and having an option to buy energy at less expensive times of the...
northeast.sare.org resources on-farm-energy-efficiency On-Farm Energy Efficiency This curriculum module covers the fundamentals of energy systems. Basic thermodynamics, heat transfer, energy conversion processes and discussion of energy efficiency and specific applications on farms are addressed. Topics include:...
northeast.sare.org resources on-farm-energy-production-biofuels On-Farm Energy Production - Biofuels The On Farm Energy Production Curriculum Series topics include: Bioenergy Feedstock Production | Biodiesel and Straight Vegetable Oil | Biogas | Wood and Grass Pellets...
northeast.sare.org resources on-farm-energy-production-solar On-Farm Energy Production - Solar This solar electricity and solar thermal module provides a basic understanding and how to calculate a simple payback term for the installation of different size systems. Learn about programs that...
northeast.sare.org resources on-farm-energy-production-wind On-Farm Energy Production - Wind Is wind energy a viable option for your home or business to lower reliance on the grid supplied electricity? In this module, learn how to gauge your the wind resource...
northeast.sare.org resources reading-the-farm Reading the Farm This guide to Reading the Farm brings together educators and experts who learn to share knowledge and insights in the context of working, real-world farms. How to plan and run...
southern.sare.org resources biomass-energy-training-curriculum Biomass Energy Training Curriculum The University of Tennessee, Tennessee State University, eXtension.org and USDA-Rural Development developed training curriculum on biomass energy for Extension agents and local officials so that they may deliver this information...