www.sare.org resources investing-in-the-next-generation-of-agricultural-scientists Investing in the Next Generation of Agricultural Scientists The challenges that farmers and ranchers face today are growing more and more complex, and the cornerstone of the SARE program is the idea that sustainable solutions to these challenges...
www.sare.org resources national-continuing-education-program National Continuing Education Program Welcome to the national continuing education program in sustainable agriculture presented by SARE. This program is designed primarily for Cooperative Extension and Natural Resource Conservation Service personnel, and is also...
www.sare.org resources the-farmer-field-day-toolkit The Farmer Field Day Toolkit Field days are educational events held on-farm or on-ranch. They are organized and hosted by the producer, oftentimes in collaboration with agricultural educators. The events usually include demonstrations of specific...
www.sare.org resources cover-crop-innovators-video-series Cover Crop Innovators Video Series Explore videos of farmers around the country who are using cover crops on their land. You can watch our entire Cover Crop Innovator series on our YouTube channel. To find...
www.sare.org resources systems-research-for-agriculture Systems Research for Agriculture Farmers today face a complicated host of environmental, social and economic pressures: protecting water and air resources, mitigating greenhouse gases, conserving biodiversity and limiting soil erosion, all while trying to...
www.sare.org resources ensuring-sustainable-field-crop-agriculture-in-the-face-of-a-changing-climate Ensuring Sustainable Field Crop Agriculture in the Face of a Changing Climate Farmers across the U.S. are noticing impacts of changing climate conditions on their production systems. Heavier rain events, warmer winters, and more frequent droughts are some of challenges they face....
www.sare.org resources 2014-national-conference-on-cover-crops-and-soil-health 2014 National Conference on Cover Crops and Soil Health The National Conference on Cover Crops and Soil Health, held Feb. 17-19, 2014 in Omaha, Neb., brought together 300 agricultural leaders and innovators to explore how we can make American...
www.sare.org resources the-small-ruminant-toolbox The Small Ruminant Toolbox Sheep and goat enterprises offer diversification opportunities for small and limited-resource farmers. This Small Ruminant Toolbox was developed by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) in order to provide...
www.sare.org resources cover-crops-soil-health-principles-and-maximizing-yields Cover Crops, Soil Health Principles and Maximizing Yields Improving soil health not only cleans up water quality and reduces soil loss but also provides a better environment for cash crops to succeed. Learn about basic soil health principles...
www.sare.org resources combining-livestock-manure-and-cover-crops Combining Livestock, Manure and Cover Crops A livestock and cover crop combination is the fastest way to profit from your investment. Cover crops not only provide feed for livestock, they also hold and scavenge precious nutrients...