www.sare.org resources selecting-cattle-to-improve-grazing-distribution-patterns-rangeland-health-and-water-quality Selecting Cattle to Improve Grazing Distribution Patterns, Rangeland Health and Water Quality Geographic Adaptability: The western United States, especially on rugged terrain or extensive pastures. Livestock distribution is a critical concern for grazing lands. Rangeland health, the condition of riparian areas, water...
www.sare.org resources applying-for-the-conservation-stewardship-program-csp Applying for the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) This plain language guide from New Entry Sustainable Farming Project provides information to farmers who are interested in applying for the USDA-NRCS Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), which pays farmers to...
www.sare.org resources applying-for-environmental-quality-incentives-program-eqip Applying for Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) This plain language guide from New Entry Sustainable Farming Project introduces readers to the USDA-NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), which pays farmers and ranchers to implement practices that protect...
www.sare.org resources rangeland-management-strategies Rangeland Management Strategies Features innovative SARE-funded research on creating and sustaining a healthy range. Throughout, researchers and ranchers share goals and successes in winter and multi-species grazing, managing forage and other vegetation and protecting...
www.sare.org resources diversifying-cropping-systems Diversifying Cropping Systems Today's crop farmers, with their prices global and their costs local, are ensnared in an ever-tightening profit squeeze. Many of them have begun seeking alternative crops that command higher prices...
northcentral.sare.org resources training-manual-for-applied-agroforestry-practices Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices Agroforestry practices help landowners diversify products, markets, and farm income; improve soil and water quality; and reduce erosion, non-point source pollution, and flood damage. The integrated agroforestry practices enhance land...
northcentral.sare.org resources maintenance-of-natural-sustainable-riparian-communities-fact-sheets-series Maintenance of Natural Sustainable Riparian Communities Fact Sheets Series Miranda Meehan, a graduate student from North Dakota State University, created five extension fact sheets after monitoring and reporting on the riparian ecosystem associated with the Middle Sheyenne River, a...
southern.sare.org resources biological-control-of-saltcedar Biological Control of Saltcedar The saltcedar is an exotic, invasive shrub or small tree found throughout Texas. The invasive plant forms dense stands along rivers and streams and degrades water and land resources. This...
western.sare.org resources conservation-buffers-in-organic-systems-nevada Conservation Buffers in Organic Systems: Nevada This is a collaborative project to build the capacity of conservation professionals to assist organic and transitional farmers in planning and implementing conservation practices through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program...
western.sare.org resources conservation-buffers-in-organic-systems-oregon Conservation Buffers in Organic Systems: Oregon This is a collaborative project to build the capacity of conservation professionals to assist organic and transitional farmers in planning and implementing conservation practices through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program...