www.sare.org resources que-es-la-agricultura-sostenible ¿Qué es la Agricultura Sostenible? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1nOrX28QXs&list=PLWlltQ6Oy0zqeY4wpozYTWioU2ZtnvGtV&index=1 ¿Qué es la agricultura sostenible? Episodio 1: Un Enfoque Integral de la Sostenibilidad en la Finca. Una forma sencilla de pensar en la agricultura sostenible es que implica producir...
www.sare.org resources farm-education-for-the-deaf-community-introduction-american-sign-language Farm Education for the Deaf Community—Introduction (American Sign Language) In this video, Monu introduces the video series created to provide farm education to the deaf community. The series is available in both in American Sign Language and Nepali Sign...
www.sare.org resources what-is-sustainable-agriculture What is Sustainable Agriculture? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iloAQmroRK0&list=PLWlltQ6Oy0zpgxVhd2vZqTDvVXpPhSVd0 Episode 1 of our video series What is Sustainable Agriculture? takes a look at the whole farm approach to sustainability and illustrates how cover crops, conservation tillage, ecological pest...
www.sare.org resources managing-stress Managing Stress Farming and ranching are stressful businesses. One key metric of a farm's sustainability is its capacity to provide a quality of life that meets one of our most basic human...
www.sare.org resources understanding-and-measuring-social-sustainability Understanding and Measuring Social Sustainability What is social sustainability? Social sustainability involves a focus on the well-being of people and communities. Just as sustainable agriculture promotes long-term ecological health and economic vitality, it also contributes...
www.sare.org resources avicultura-rentable Avicultura Rentable Avicultura Rentable: Criando Aves en Pasturas es una guía que incluye experiencias de agricultores y lo último en investigación para criar pollos y pavos usando corrales, cercos portátiles y pasturas....
www.sare.org resources farm-to-hospital-toolkit Farm to Hospital Toolkit This twelve-part document contains tools that farmers, ranchers and hospitals can use as they work to increase direct hospital purchases from local farmers.
www.sare.org resources creating-farmer-networks-a-toolkit-for-promoting-vibrant-farm-communities Creating Farmer Networks: A Toolkit for Promoting Vibrant Farm Communities This toolkit provides information and resources needed to create a successful farmer network. It is intended for farmers, extension agents, community organizers, and other agricultural professionals. A farmer network—sometimes called...
www.sare.org resources profitable-poultry Profitable Poultry Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture features farmer experiences plus the latest research in a guide to raising chickens and turkeys using pens, movable fencing and pastures. A Wisconsin family nets between...
www.sare.org resources community-based-food-system-assessment-and-planning Community-Based Food System Assessment and Planning With the help of a Southern SARE grant, researchers at Virginia Cooperative Extension and other students and faculty from North Carolina and Virginia Universities completed case studies around the Appalachian...