www.sare.org resources transitioning-to-organic-production Transitioning to Organic Production Organic Transition Planner Use this workbook to create a business plan for transitioning to organic. Available here Farmers and ranchers decide to pursue organic certification for many personal, financial and...
www.sare.org resources soil-health-principles-and-practices-videos Soil Health Principles and Practices Videos Investing in soil health is critical to the success of all farms, but many beginning and socially disadvantaged farmers struggle to put soil health principles into practice. There can be...
www.sare.org resources building-soils-for-better-crops Building Soils for Better Crops The 4th edition of Building Soils for Better Crops is a one-of-a-kind, practical guide to ecological soil management. It provides step-by-step information on soil-improving practices as well as in-depth background—from what...
www.sare.org resources smart-water-use-on-your-farm-or-ranch Smart Water Use on Your Farm or Ranch As producers throughout the nation grow increasingly concerned about water scarcity, farmers, ranchers and agricultural educators are beginning to explore new, conservation-oriented approaches to water use. They are managing soil...
www.sare.org resources a-whole-farm-approach-to-managing-pests A Whole Farm Approach to Managing Pests This 16-page bulletin helps producers—and the educators who work with them—use ecological principles to design farm-wide approaches to control pests. It lays out basic ecological principles for managing pests and suggests...
www.sare.org resources what-is-soil-health What is Soil Health? Why is soil health so important? More and more, producers are understanding that healthy soils are more productive and lead to healthier crops. Dig into this interactive infographic to learn...
www.sare.org resources berry-soil-and-nutrient-management Berry Soil and Nutrient Management Guide for Educators and Growers Commercial berry growers in the Northeast have traditionally made standardized fertilizer applications based on crop age or past fertilization practices, and not on site-specific data of plant nutrient status. This...
www.sare.org resources the-small-ruminant-toolbox The Small Ruminant Toolbox Sheep and goat enterprises offer diversification opportunities for small and limited-resource farmers. This Small Ruminant Toolbox was developed by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) in order to provide...
www.sare.org resources manure-composting-for-livestock-and-poultry-production Manure Composting for Livestock and Poultry Production Dealing with manure is a reality for animal agriculture, especially when livestock or poultry are confined for any length of time in pens, corrals, lots or barns. This Montana State...
www.sare.org resources developing-successful-organic-horticulture-farms-practical-training-for-ag-professionals Developing Successful Organic Horticulture Farms: Practical Training for Ag Professionals Power Point presentation series developed by the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group for ag professionals and farmers interesting in elements of organic crop production and managing organic systems. Principles of...