www.sare.org resources advanced-cover-cropping-insights-from-farmer-experts Advanced Cover Cropping Insights from Farmer Experts Session recordings on this page include: Great Plains Perspective Central Corn Belt Perspective Eastern Perspective Great Plains Perspective Hear from a Nebraska farmer who will share his insight and experience...
www.sare.org resources establishment-methods-for-cover-crops-and-cash-crops-in-grain-production-systems Establishment Methods for Cover Crops and Cash Crops in Grain Production Systems Steven Mirsky (USDA-ARS) and Greg Roth (Penn State University) provide a rundown of common establishment methods for cover crops: aerial seeding, interseeding and post-harvest drilling. They also discuss the importance...
www.sare.org resources farmer-panel-on-cover-crops Farmer Panel on Cover Crops In this panel, farmers Skip Paul (Rhode Island), Jeff Frey (Pennsylvania) and Perry Lilley (Maine) share their experiences with cover crops, including their motivation for using them, successes and challenges,...
www.sare.org resources cover-crop-field-tour-recap-and-debrief Cover Crop Field Tour Recap and Debrief Attendees of the Cover Crops for Soil Health workshop have a short discussion reflecting on their tour of the long-term farming systems research project at the USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research...
www.sare.org resources managing-soil-health-with-cover-crops-beyond-the-basics Managing Soil Health With Cover Crops: Beyond the Basics In this session, leading experts dive deep into the soil-related benefits of cover crops. Ray Weil (University of Maryland) discusses the physical benefits, including improved water infiltration and aggregate stability,...
www.sare.org resources cover-crops-as-part-of-an-overall-nutrient-management-system-2 Cover Crops as Part of an Overall Nutrient Management System In this session, Steven Mirsky (USDA-ARS) discusses the role of cover crops in integrated fertility management and maximizing nutrient availability, as well as the role of grasses versus legumes and...
www.sare.org resources evaluating-and-improving-cover-crop-performance-and-adoption Evaluating and Improving Cover Crop Performance and Adoption Many of the benefits of cover crops are known and their use is increasing, but more can be done to evaluate and improve their performance and adoption. In this session,...
www.sare.org resources cover-crops-current-and-future-directions Cover Crops: Current and Future Directions This plenary discussion on current and future directions in cover crops features Greg Roth (Penn State, presenting on behalf of Scott Rushe, Seedway), Ramona Garner (USDA-NRCS Plant Materials Center) and...
www.sare.org resources managing-cover-crops-for-ecosystem-services-in-vegetable-systems Managing Cover Crops for Ecosystem Services in Vegetable Systems Natalie Lounsbury (University of New Hampshire) discusses how to manage cover crops for such ecosystem services as: suppressing weeds, attracting pollinators, cycling nutrients, promoting biological diversity and controlling erosion. This...
www.sare.org resources fitting-cover-crops-in-vegetable-rotations Fitting Cover Crops in Vegetable Rotations Ron Morse (Virginia Tech, emeritus) shares how to successfully fit cover crops into a vegetable rotation, including establishment methods, matching the right species to the right methods, recommended rotations and...