western.sare.org resources using-beneficial-insects-to-combat-pests-and-engage-growers Using Beneficial Insects to Combat Pests and Engage Growers Sustainable Agriculture Fact Sheet July 2020 State: California Commodity: Wine grapes Need: An economical way to control leafroll virus, which is spread by vine mealybugs Summary: Leafroll virus is infecting...
western.sare.org resources farmer-and-rancher-research Farmer and Rancher Research in the West Making changes on the farm or ranch involves taking risks. One or two years spent experimenting can lead to a financial hit too difficult to recover from. That’s where Western SARE’s...
western.sare.org resources how-well-does-biodegradable-plastic-mulch-degrade-in-compost-and-soil How Well Does Biodegradable Plastic Mulch Degrade in Compost and Soil? Biodegradable plastic mulches are now commercially available, and they are designed so that they can be tilled directly into the soil to degrade. Their adoption could alleviate the disposal problem...
western.sare.org resources bioearth-webinar-series BioEarth Webinar Series A series of four free webinars with Washington State University researchers affiliated with the BioEarth research initiative sharing findings related to climate change impacts on Northwest U.S. water resources, nutrient cycling,...
western.sare.org resources oregons-outback Oregon's Outback Oregon’s Outback is a Sustainable Rangeland-Based Beef Production Video Library that highlights best management practices for cow-calf producers and agricultural professionals. Videos within this library will fall within the three...
western.sare.org resources tools-and-approaches-for-measuring-ecosystem-services-in-californias-grasslands-and-oak-woodlands Tools and Approaches for Measuring Ecosystem Services in California's Grasslands and Oak Woodlands Ecosystem services are the benefits humans receive from our natural ecosystems and working landscapes. These services include: forage production, erosion control, soil fertility, water storage, flood control, carbon storage, fire...
western.sare.org resources managing-for-wild-bees Managing for Wild Bees Pollination is a critical component of the crop production cycle, directly contributing to reproductive success for pollinator-dependent crops. Graduate student Hillary Sardinas evaluated the ability of hedgerow restorations to augment...
western.sare.org resources livestock-mortality-composting-manual Livestock Mortality Composting Manual Mortality management threatens the sustainability of livestock production in many ways. In recent years, concerns about mad cow disease reduced the availability and increased the cost of rendering services. Alternatives...
western.sare.org resources living-on-the-land Living on the Land Living on the Land is one of the most comprehensive and adaptable curricula in the country for training natural resource professionals to, in turn, teach small-acreage landowners how to care...