western.sare.org resources sustainable-ranch-management-assessment-guidebook Sustainable Ranch Management Assessment Guidebook The purpose of the guidebook is to assist the rancher and/or land manager use business planning and ecological monitoring to ensure the ranch or land is managed in a sustainable...
western.sare.org resources pasture-and-grazing-management-in-the-pacific-northwest Pasture and Grazing Management in the Pacific Northwest A book that provides knowledge of ecological processes involved in pasture growth and utilization and an understanding of how management influence those processes for good or bad....
western.sare.org resources biological-soil-crusts Biological Soil Crusts Cheryl McIntyre investigates the influence of biocrusts on the establishment of native perennial grasses and cheatgrass and the conditions under which biocrusts might make rangelands more resistant to exotic grass...
western.sare.org resources jstorrowsare-org Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation to Control Soil Borne Pathogens Webinar In the webinar the presenters briefly review the development and use of anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) techniques for control of soil borne pathogens in various crops and regions around the...
western.sare.org resources fresh-growth-podcast Fresh Growth Podcast Fresh Growth: Approaches to a More Sustainable Future from Western Ag Practitioners introduces you to farmers and ranchers from around the western United States who are finding innovative sustainable practices...
western.sare.org resources farmer-and-rancher-research Farmer and Rancher Research in the West Making changes on the farm or ranch involves taking risks. One or two years spent experimenting can lead to a financial hit too difficult to recover from. That’s where Western SARE’s...
western.sare.org resources bioearth-webinar-series BioEarth Webinar Series A series of four free webinars with Washington State University researchers affiliated with the BioEarth research initiative sharing findings related to climate change impacts on Northwest U.S. water resources, nutrient cycling,...
western.sare.org resources anaerobic-digestion-webinar-series Anaerobic Digestion Webinar Series Anaerobic digesters are used worldwide to produce energy and to treat organic materials such as municipal waste, food processing residues, and manures. Government, industry, environmental and agricultural stakeholders are interested...
western.sare.org resources selecting-and-managing-vineyard-cover-crops-to-reduce-consumption-of-net-basin-water Selecting and Managing Vineyard Cover Crops to Reduce Consumption of Net Basin Water This fact sheet describes their experiments evaluating the impact of five cover crop species on soil moisture depletion. This fact sheet describes the impact of five timings and termination methods...
western.sare.org resources california-strawberry-and-research-on-compost-for-strawberry-health California Strawberry and Research on Compost for Strawberry Health California strawberry production is at a pivotal point, struggling with new plant diseases due to the phase-out of the fumigant methyl bromide. This video explores the current issues facing strawberry...