western.sare.org resources integrating-small-goat-herd-production-with-fruits-and-vegetable-production Integrating Small Goat Herd Production with Fruits and Vegetable Production Most small family farms produce and market more than a single crop from their farm. Growing multiple crops promotes benefits coming from both biologic and economic diversification. This report resulted...
western.sare.org resources grower-track-and-trace-handbook-and-videos Grower Track and Trace Handbook and Videos Circle Fresh Farms is a network of small- to medium-sized greenhouses producing certified organic fresh vegetables. In order to remain competitive and compliant with emerging expectations to provide farm-to-consumer product...
western.sare.org resources good-agricultural-practices-program-for-new-mexico Good Agricultural Practices Program for New Mexico The goal of the Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Program for New Mexico is to provide educational materials to food producers and educational professionals associated with agriculture in order to reduce...
western.sare.org resources on-farm-internship-training-binder On-Farm Internship Training Binder The Placer Ag Futures Project was conceived as a response to critical issues affecting local agricultural sustainability. This project was intended to help grow a new crop of agricultural professionals...