resources nutrient-management-in-corn-production Nutrient Management in Corn Production The following Cornell University agronomy fact sheets were developed during a 2009 SARE grant to help farmers and educators better evaluate nutrient cycling in corn production, thereby equipping them with... resources mobile-poultry-processing-unit-farm-and-food-safety-management-guide Mobile Poultry Processing Unit Farm and Food Safety Management Guide New Entry Sustainable Farming Project and the New England Small Farm Institute prepared this guide for small-scale poultry producers and processors using a Massachusetts-inspected mobile poultry processing unit or stationary... resources scaling-up-pastured-livestock-production Scaling Up Pastured Livestock Production This research report, authored by Pasa Sustainable Agriculture staff Franklin Egan and Brooks Miller of North Mountain Pastures, summarizes land and feed efficiency benchmarks for grass-finished beef, pastured pigs, and... resources developing-a-criteria-to-select-colostrum-samples-of-poor-quality Developing a criteria to select colostrum samples of poor quality Good colostrum management is essential to the health of newborn replacements and lifelong profit as it directly links to an adequate transfer of immunity to the calf. While the farmer... resources minimizing-the-risks-of-vibrio-bacteria-in-farm-raised-oysters-grown-in-intertidal-elements-of-the-delaware-bay Minimizing the risks of Vibrio bacteria in farm-raised oysters grown in intertidal elements of the Delaware Bay New Jersey’s oyster farms are concentrated on the extensive intertidal sand flats of the lower Delaware Bay where they are exposed twice daily during low tide. The project manager conducted a... resources organic-parasite-control Organic parasite control Signs of parasites, prevention, National Organic Program standards, and more. You will need Adobe Presenter to view. ... resources so-you-want-to-raise-beef-cattle So you want to raise beef cattle Options to consider, setting goals, and thinking ahead. You will need to view using Adobe Presenter. ... resources low-input-lambing-and-kidding Low-Input Lambing and Kidding A 70-page handbook on reducing inputs and managing stress during lambing or kidding. Includes operational strategies and costs, pasture lambing, animal well-being, and other considerations. ... resources adapt-n-training-manual Adapt-N Training Manual Adapt-N is an online tool that helps precisely manage nitrogen (N) inputs for grain, silage, and sweet corn production. It can provide automatic daily updates of each field’s N status and recommendations, based on real-time weather... resources wilson-beef-farms Wilson Beef Farms Since 1976, Wilson Beef Farms has evolved from a predominately custom slaughter facility for local farmers to a harvesting operation dedicated solely to Wilson Beef Farms cattle and hogs....