resources logan-family-farms Logan Family Farms Logan Family Farms is in Irwin, Pennsylvania. Beef marketing is primarily through farmers markets. You will need Adobe Reader 9.0 or higher to view.... resources horn-farm-and-restaurant Horn Farm and Restaurant Horn and Farm Restaurant is a diversified organic operation in Bedford, Pennsylvania. You will need Adobe Reader 9.0 or higher to view.... resources highpoint-farm Highpoint Farm Highpoint Farm is a CSA in Trumansburg, New York. You will need Adobe Reader 9.0 or higher to view.... resources working-with-the-processor Working with the processor Information for the processor, planning to harvest, USDA facilities, packaging, and more. You will need Adobe Presenter to view.... resources selection-for-meat-quality Selection for meat quality Planning for a specific market, choosing replacement heifers, genetics, crossbreeding, and more. You will need Adobe Presenter to view.... resources understanding-beef-labels Understanding beef labels Labeling basics, labeling requirements, applying for labels, labeling examples, and more.You will need Adobe Presneter to view.... resources sires-for-grass-fed-beef-production Sires for grass-fed beef production Criteria for genetic selection, the importance of grass quality, breeds, benchmarks, and more. You will need Adobe Presenter to view.... resources quality-grade Quality grade Marbling, maturity, nutrition, and the distribution of quality grading in the U.S. You will need Adobe Presenter to view.... resources pricing-the-beef-carcass Pricing the beef carcass Smart pricing, hidden costs, keeping up with changes in the market, and more. You will need Adobe Presenter to view.... resources harvesting-cattle-to-produce-quality-beef Harvesting cattle to produce quality beef Pricing, quality at harvest, issues with dark cutters, influence of cattle age, and more. You will need Adobe Presenter to view....