www.sare.org resources high-tunnels High Tunnels Table of contents Case Studies-----------------------------2 High Tunnels and Marketing--------23 Site Considerations--------------------26 Selecting Your Structure-----------28 Construction Tips---------------------40 Environmental Management--------47 Soil and Crop Management---------54 Pest Management--------------------60 The manual was written by Ted...
www.sare.org resources dairy-your-way Dairy Your Way This publication was created to provide information that will help producers explore the many choices available for today’s dairy farms. This book is not intended to be a how-to dairy...
northcentral.sare.org resources iowa-meat-processors-resource-guidebook Iowa Meat Processors’ Resource Guidebook This guidebook explains the resources available at the local, state and national levels to assist small Iowa meat processors who seek to begin, upgrade or expand their businesses. This book...
northcentral.sare.org resources training-manual-for-applied-agroforestry-practices Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices Agroforestry practices help landowners diversify products, markets, and farm income; improve soil and water quality; and reduce erosion, non-point source pollution, and flood damage. The integrated agroforestry practices enhance land...
northcentral.sare.org resources handbook-for-agroforestry-planning-and-design Handbook for Agroforestry Planning and Design Agroforestry practices help landowners diversify products, markets, and farm income; improve soil and water quality; and reduce erosion, non-point source pollution, and flood damage. The integrated agroforestry practices enhance land...
northcentral.sare.org resources adapting-crop-share-agreements-for-sustainable-and-organic-agriculture Adapting Crop Share Agreements for Sustainable and Organic Agriculture When the farming system deviates from a conventional corn-soybean rotation, the usual division of costs and returns in a 50-50 crop share lease may no longer fairly reflect the inputs...
northcentral.sare.org resources considering-sustainable-agriculture-on-your-rented-land Considering Sustainable Agriculture on Your Rented Land Using sustainable agriculture practices on your rented land can help protect soil and water quality, increase income over the long term, and satisfy personal values for the landowner and/or the...
northeast.sare.org resources livestock-marketing-channel-assessment-tool Livestock Marketing Channel Assessment Tool The Livestock Marketing Channel Assessment Tool (LMCAT) was developed by Cornell Agricultural Marketing Specialist Matthew LeRoux based on case studies that he completed on four New York farms. The LMCAT helps livestock...
northeast.sare.org resources guide-to-financing-community-supported-farms Guide to Financing Community Supported Farms Since it is not always easy to obtain loans from traditional financing sources, farmers are exploring alternative funding opportunities to meet their needs. Unconventional financial arrangements, which are new to...
northeast.sare.org resources case-studies-on-setting-up-microloans Case Studies on Setting Up Microloans According to a study conducted by The Carrot Project, 25 percent of farmers that request financing are denied access to credit needed for start-up and expansion costs. In 2009 and...