resources rice-growing-manual-for-the-northeast-usa Rice Growing Manual for the Northeast USA Three years of experiments with growing rice in the Northeast tells us that rice is very productive, and that there is a real potential for rice to become a commercial... resources buckwheat-cover-crop-handbook Buckwheat Cover Crop Handbook Buckwheat has been used to suppress weeds on Northeastern farms for 400 years. On modern farms we have different tools, a different market, and different economic constraints; so buckwheat will... resources organic-control-of-white-mold-in-high-tunnels Organic Control of White Mold in High Tunnels The fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infects many of the cool-season crops produced in Kentucky. This SARE-funded video presents information on the high tunnel production system most commonly used in Kentucky; the... resources organic-grain-production-video-series Organic Grain Production Video Series A series of organic grain education videos were produced by University of Georgia in partnership with North Carolina State University Extension and USDA-ARS on seedbed preparation, no-till soybeans, and nitrogen... resources sustainable-year-round-forage-production-and-grazing-browsing-management-in-the-southern-region Sustainable Year-Round Forage Production and Grazing/Browsing Management in the Southern Region Pasture-based goat production is becoming one of the important enterprises for livestock farmers in the Southeastern U.S. However, most livestock farmers have not adopted sustainable forage programs and depend on... resources cool-season-forages-for-sustainable-goat-production Cool Season Forages for Sustainable Goat Production Pasture-based goat production is becoming popular among small-scale livestock producers in Alabama. However, most Alabama goat producers do not have productive pastures, especially during the cool-season portion of the year.... resources place-based-foods-of-appalachia Place-Based Foods of Appalachia Placed-Based Foods of Appalachia: From Rarity to Community Restoration and Market Recovery is the first-ever report of the status of 1,412 place-based heirloom foods in central and southern Appalachia. The... resources no-till-cropping-systems-in-oklahoma No-Till Cropping Systems in Oklahoma A three-year study in Oklahoma and Texas revealed that no-till wheat is a viable option for Southern Great Plains’ farmers and ranchers.The purpose of the project was to move wheat... resources no-till-wheat-production-in-oklahoma No-Till Wheat Production in Oklahoma Should I switch from conventional till to no-till wheat production? This is one of the most common questions asked by Oklahoma farmers, but it is also one of the most... resources estimating-plant-available-nitrogen-release-from-cover-crops Estimating Plant-Available Nitrogen Release from Cover Crops This Oregon State University fact sheet explains the basics of plant-available nitrogen (PAN); when to kill cover crops for the maximum PAN benefit; step-by-step instructions on how to perform site-specific...