www.sare.org resources cover-crops-for-soil-health-workshop Cover Crops for Soil Health Workshop This three-day professional development workshop, hosted by Northeast SARE and Delaware State University in March 2016, addressed the latest research on the benefits and successful management of cover crops in...
www.sare.org resources grazing-cover-crops-and-benefits-for-livestock-operations Grazing Cover Crops and Benefits for Livestock Operations This session explored the ways that cover crops can be integrated with livestock operations, including as forage for grazing in between cash crop growing seasons. Doug Hanson, Illinois farmer (PDF)...
www.sare.org resources environmental-impacts-of-cover-crops Environmental Impacts of Cover Crops Speakers in this session discussed both local and off-site impacts of using cover crops, including some of the latest information on cover crop impacts on water quality, nitrogen loss from...
www.sare.org resources cover-crops-as-part-of-an-overall-nutrient-management-system Cover Crops as Part of an Overall Nutrient Management System The use of cover crops can have a significant impact in reducing nutrient losses from fields and affecting overall nutrient availability in soils. Speakers in this session shared some of...
www.sare.org resources integrating-no-till-or-strip-till-with-cover-crops Integrating No-Till or Strip-Till with Cover Crops Many of the early adopters of cover crops have been no-till farmers who see the benefits of cover crops for reducing soil compaction and complementing erosion control of no-till. Other...
www.sare.org resources terminating-cover-crops-for-maximum-benefits Terminating Cover Crops for Maximum Benefits Timing of cover crop termination can determine soil nitrogen levels and ease of establishing a following cash crop. Termination approach can also affect the success of weed control in the...
www.sare.org resources selecting-cover-crops Selecting Cover Crops This session addressed the relative pros and cons of various cover crop species, including the less common cover crops and cover crops suited to grazing use. The Midwest Cover Crops...
www.sare.org resources general-plenary-session-presentations General (Plenary) Session Presentations Note: Available presentations are listed after presentation titles. Day One Conference Welcome and Opening Remarks Jim Gulliford, Executive Director, Soil and Water Conservation Society Perspectives on Soil Conservation Howard...
www.sare.org resources broadcast-of-opening-sessions Broadcast of Opening Sessions Watch opening sessions of the National Conference on Cover Crops and Soil Health, held on Tuesday, Feb. 18 and broadcasted live to 230 locations across the country as part of...
www.sare.org resources 2014-national-conference-on-cover-crops-and-soil-health 2014 National Conference on Cover Crops and Soil Health The National Conference on Cover Crops and Soil Health, held Feb. 17-19, 2014 in Omaha, Neb., brought together 300 agricultural leaders and innovators to explore how we can make American...