resources resource-guide-for-organic-insect-and-disease-management Resource Guide for Organic Insect and Disease Management Crop management for insects and disease control, photos, fact sheets, and extensive appendices addressing plant resistance, habitats for beneficial insects, trap cropping, and more.... resources nutrient-management-in-corn-production Nutrient Management in Corn Production The following Cornell University agronomy fact sheets were developed during a 2009 SARE grant to help farmers and educators better evaluate nutrient cycling in corn production, thereby equipping them with... resources mobile-poultry-processing-unit-farm-and-food-safety-management-guide Mobile Poultry Processing Unit Farm and Food Safety Management Guide New Entry Sustainable Farming Project and the New England Small Farm Institute prepared this guide for small-scale poultry producers and processors using a Massachusetts-inspected mobile poultry processing unit or stationary... resources high-tunnel-winter-cropping-systems High Tunnel Winter Cropping Systems A 40-minute presentation by Lewis Jett, West Virginia Extension Service, on the use of high tunnels for winter crop production. Download separate audio and slideshow files:Download audio (MP3, 15MB) Download... resources vegetable-bedding-plants-pest-management Vegetable Bedding Plants Pest Management This University of Massachusetts web page has information on integrated pest management (IPM) and organic controls, two practical ways to effectively manage pests on vegetable bedding plants. Vegetable bedding plants... resources getting-work-done-series Getting Work Done Series The legal classification of farm workers has many implications, including whether farmers must pay minimum wage, carry workers’ compensation, withhold and pay taxes, and more. A series of guides--one for... resources northeast-cover-crop-decision-support-tool Northeast Cover Crop Decision Support Tool The Northeast Cover Crops Council (NECCC) has created an online tool designed to support farm decision-making around cover crops. The tool includes a Cover Crop Explorer that provides in-depth information... resources problem-solving-and-innovation-on-the-farm Problem Solving and Innovation on the Farm This manual is designed to help farmers improve operations by combining problem-solving and experimentation with day-to-day farm management. The step-by-step process outlined is based on the know-how of experienced farmers... resources good-food-farmers-network-guide Good Food Farmers Network Guide The guide, written by farmer Henry Corsun of Dog Wood Farm in Old Chatham NY, documents the work to develop Good Food Farmers Network as a replicable model of farmer-owned... resources a-guide-to-sharing-farm-equipment A Guide to Sharing Farm Equipment Hudson Valley New York farmer Faith Gilbert of Letterbox Farm Collective wrote this guide for farmers, service providers, cooperators, and organizers of shared equipment pools. The guide covers an array...