resources high-tunnel-pest-exclusion-system High Tunnel Pest Exclusion System ...transmission; loss in yield or marketability of vegetables in the absence of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) can be nearly 100 percent. Organic IPM practice consists of a three-tiered approach consisting... resources sustainable-pest-management-in-greenhouses-and-high-tunnels Sustainable Pest Management in Greenhouses and High Tunnels Growers using greenhouses in which temperature, light and relative humidity are controlled have relied for many years on releases of natural enemies to manage aphids, thrips and two-spotted spider mites.... resources tomato-grafting-for-disease-resistance-and-increased-productivity Tomato Grafting for Disease Resistance and Increased Productivity ...maintaining high fruit quality, tomato grafting can also help overcome abiotic stressors, such as high salinity, excess moisture and soil temperature extremes, even allowing the extension of the growing season.... resources developing-an-energy-efficient-solar-heated-greenhouse-in-maryland Developing an Energy Efficient, Solar-Heated Greenhouse in Maryland The lack of year-round availability of locally grown food and food processing infrastructure are the greatest barriers to increasing the consumption of local food in western Maryland. If an economical,...