resources pest-exclusion-systems-for-pest-management-in-vegetable-production-across-the-southeast Pest Exclusion Systems for Pest Management in Vegetable Production Across the Southeast ...Management (IPM) strategies are recommended to exclude pests in both opens fields and in high tunnels. The principles of pest exclusion involve separating the insect pest from the host plant... resources sustainable-pest-management-in-greenhouses-and-high-tunnels Sustainable Pest Management in Greenhouses and High Tunnels Growers using greenhouses in which temperature, light and relative humidity are controlled have relied for many years on releases of natural enemies to manage aphids, thrips and two-spotted spider mites.... resources high-tunnel-crop-production-handbook High Tunnel Crop Production Handbook ...costs and construction materials needed; explains special requirements for irrigation, soil fertility and management; and helps farmers implement integrated pest management of insects, diseases and weeds through crop-specific cultural practices.... resources soil-management-using-cover-crops-in-organically-managed-high-tunnels Soil Management Using Cover Crops in Organically Managed High Tunnels Soil Management in Using Cover Crops in High Tunnels.pdf 1.01 MB Introduction Cover cropping involves growing, but not harvesting, an annual grass, legume or a mixture of grass and legume... resources high-tunnel-pest-exclusion-system High Tunnel Pest Exclusion System ...transmission; loss in yield or marketability of vegetables in the absence of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) can be nearly 100 percent. Organic IPM practice consists of a three-tiered approach consisting... resources high-tunnels High Tunnels Table of contents Case Studies-----------------------------2 High Tunnels and Marketing--------23 Site Considerations--------------------26 Selecting Your Structure-----------28 Construction Tips---------------------40 Environmental Management--------47 Soil and Crop Management---------54 Pest Management--------------------60 The manual was written by Ted... resources moving-nursery-producers-toward-sustainable-practices-fact-sheets Moving Nursery Producers Toward Sustainable Practices Fact Sheets ...Nursery Industry Nursery Crop Selection and Market Niches (Florida) Nursery Crop Selection and Market Implications (Georgia) Alternatives to Synthetic Herbicides for Weed Management in Container Nurseries Integrated Pest Management handout... resources greenhouse-ipm-with-an-emphasis-on-biocontrols Greenhouse IPM with an Emphasis on Biocontrols This manual was designed by the Pennsylvania Integrated Pest Management Program to help greenhouse growers implement biological control and integrated pest management (IPM). It begins with an introduction to IPM... resources kansas-state-high-tunnel-video-series Kansas State High Tunnel Video Series ...| What to Plant | Basic Management Considerations | Intensive Management | Resources High Tunnel Overview Designing a High Tunnel What to Plant Basic Management Considerations Intensive Management Resources... resources fresh-growth-podcast Fresh Growth Podcast Fresh Growth: Approaches to a More Sustainable Future from Western Ag Practitioners introduces you to farmers and ranchers from around the western United States who are finding innovative sustainable practices...