www.sare.org resources sustainable-agriculture-kev-ruaj-ntseg-ua-liaj-ua-teb-yog-dabtsi Sustainable Agriculture "Kev Ruaj Ntseg Ua Liaj Ua Teb" yog dabtsi? SARE’s cov yeej yaj kiab tas lauv luv yuav qhia cov neeg ua liaj ua teb kom lawv cov teb vam meej thiab kev noj qab haus hu kom zoo...
www.sare.org resources que-es-la-agricultura-sostenible ¿Qué es la Agricultura Sostenible? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1nOrX28QXs&list=PLWlltQ6Oy0zqeY4wpozYTWioU2ZtnvGtV&index=1 ¿Qué es la agricultura sostenible? Episodio 1: Un Enfoque Integral de la Sostenibilidad en la Finca. Una forma sencilla de pensar en la agricultura sostenible es que implica producir...
www.sare.org resources growing-new-markets-for-specialty-crops Growing New Markets for Specialty Crops Voices from the Field is a podcast series co-produced by ATTRA and SARE that explores the different ways farmers are working to create new local markets for specialty and niche...
www.sare.org resources best-practices-for-the-sustainable-urban-farm Best Practices for the Sustainable Urban Farm Abu Talib is the director of the Taqwa Community Farm, which he helped establish on a vacant lot in his Bronx neighborhood in 1992. Photo by Preston Keres, USDA For...
www.sare.org resources choosing-the-right-tools-for-your-farm Choosing the Right Tools For Your Farm A manual created by Ain Chike and Georgia Organics outlines hand tools, small engines, their utility descriptions and where to source them for growers in the Southeast. It allows readers...
www.sare.org resources what-is-sustainable-agriculture What is Sustainable Agriculture? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iloAQmroRK0&list=PLWlltQ6Oy0zpgxVhd2vZqTDvVXpPhSVd0 Episode 1 of our video series What is Sustainable Agriculture? takes a look at the whole farm approach to sustainability and illustrates how cover crops, conservation tillage, ecological pest...
www.sare.org resources leaders-in-sustainable-agriculture Leaders in Sustainable Agriculture Featured on America's Heartland SARE partnered with PBS KVIE to produce an episode of RFD-TV's America's Heartland that features four farmers describing their commitment to sustainability, how they plan to meet farming challenges of...
southern.sare.org resources pest-exclusion-systems-for-pest-management-in-vegetable-production-across-the-southeast Pest Exclusion Systems for Pest Management in Vegetable Production Across the Southeast Introduction In the Southeast, pests are a significant limiting factor in successful vegetable production, both in open fields and in high tunnels. Heat and humidity, close crop planting, and the...
www.sare.org resources manage-weeds-on-your-farm-video-series Manage Weeds on Your Farm Video Series Learn more with the book Manage Weeds on Your Farm. In this series, experienced farmers from around the country talk about how they have found success controlling weeds by following...
www.sare.org resources transitioning-to-organic-production Transitioning to Organic Production Farmers and ranchers decide to pursue organic certification for many personal, financial and environmental reasons. This publication introduces you to the requirements of the USDA National Organic Program and outlines...